Maruzen P99
I have a maruzen p99 and its upgraded. i have a metal slide, and accurate barrel, high flow valves, and an upgraded recoil spring. i was shooting it the other day and all of a sudden i would not get a full blowback.the gun would shoot the bb then not be able to slide back to load the next one. the slide moves about a half an inch.
i started to think it was the high flow valves, not the first time i had problems with them. so i started playing with them and lubing them and testing it on the gun and nothing.
so i got fed up and put in my stock valves in. the first one i put it in..tada! it works and it works better with them than the high flow.
then i still kept tweaking the other mags..and the other three don't. then i went back to the first one and the piece of crap does the same thing.
so then i did some more thinking and thought maybe it was my recoil spring guide, so i looked at that. i tried to see if it was loose or started to play with the spring and nothing works. so i figured that if my stock valves work better with the gun, so would the stock spring.....nope...too weak to move it. i shot it and still the same problem.
so THEN i checked the pin that hits the valve and its in one piece and works fine. i even lubed it really good.
so now what do i do? i made sure to use lube on all the moving parts and made sure they were clean and used everything to try to solve this issue. from what i get out of it, the mags hold the gas fine and when botton is hit the gas is released fine, there is enough gas to move the bb but not enough to move the slide back, or the spring is messed up and won't let it under the gas pressure...even when i use top gas with .20g.
edit: i found the problem. the hammer spring no longer works. i ask of you to please let me know if have one you can sell. thnks
Last edited by Odysseus_9; February 15th, 2007 at 23:49..