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Old July 10th, 2005, 01:27   #1
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Location: Fort St John, BC
Found A Great Deal

Well Today I went on a small road trip to Grande Prairie Alberta with my parents. The reason I went was to look for a KSC Glock 19 at this paintball store there. I go inside look at the GBB's and notice there is no G19. I was so dissapointed, so I asked him if he would be expecting some in anytime soon and he said yes. I was like sweet the only problem is I live in Fort St John BC which is 2.5 hours away. I asked him the approximate price of it and he said it all depends on customs and shipping but most likely $280 CAD give or take 10 bucks. I checked 007 airsoft and found to ship the gun would run me about 300-310. The owner told me to call back in a week to see if the shipment arrived, and luckily but unfortunatley my moms digi cam has been crapping out and we need to drive back down in a week or two to pick it up from repairs. Prices of green gas there are $30 without tax, but thats alright since ordering it in would cost me an arm and a leg. They have Airsoft Elite bb's which made me super happy since I have heard many good things about them. If I buy lots of stuff to he might drop the price. My mother's friend's son went there a couple weeks back and bought a G36c for $150 CAD since it was the last one left instead of the original price of $250. While I was there I played around with a socom and a glock 34 and glock 18c. they were pretty nifty but I'd still rather get a G19. Oh I also have a quick question, how much do you guys usually pay for a can of duster gas or the price for a pack of them?

Thanks for reading my meaningless rant. LOL
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Old July 10th, 2005, 01:33   #2
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on top of the forum under canadan retailers there are links check there double edge or M1 are best in my opinion no problems ever! Spec Arms if your in BC they are soooooooo cheap in price
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Old July 10th, 2005, 03:18   #3
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new ksc glocks ant worth anymore than 250 at the most... I paid 200$ for mine back in the day.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 04:35   #4
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Originally Posted by Cankywanky
Prices of green gas there are $30 without tax, but thats alright since ordering it in would cost me an arm and a leg.
Or you could buy a propane adaptor from Madmax ($35 or so) then go to canadian tire and buy a bottle of propane ($4). Will save you quite a bit of money.
Originally Posted by Sadiztix
Give Her Duster And She'll Love You Long Time
(The Gun, Not My Girlfriend)
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Old July 10th, 2005, 05:02   #5
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Originally Posted by Cankywanky
. My mother's friend's son went there a couple weeks back and bought a G36c for $150 CAD since it was the last one left instead of the original price of $250.
$250-$150 for a g36c? that seems really good(even at $250)
what company makes it, Tokyo Marui, Classic Army?
or is the price so low because its a no-name crappy electric gun?
Current Arsenal: TM AK-47, KSC G19 Heavy Weight, 2 Academy TMP Springers
Owned previously: KJ Vertec M9 Elite, Two no name m9 springers
Current Project Gun: TM M14 OD, awaiting upgrade parts.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 05:17   #6
Grim Fandango
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Originally Posted by conrad
Originally Posted by Cankywanky
. My mother's friend's son went there a couple weeks back and bought a G36c for $150 CAD since it was the last one left instead of the original price of $250.
$250-$150 for a g36c? that seems really good(even at $250)
what company makes it, Tokyo Marui, Classic Army?
or is the price so low because its a no-name crappy electric gun?
At that price i'm guessing it's a springer. Which is actually overpriced because i'm pretty sure Ken at 007 has them for like $100 or something. If you want to shop at a respectable, trustworthy airsoft retailer check the retailer section on the top of this website. If you want cheap GBBs check out a certain thread in the buy and sell (provided you are 18+ and verified).
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Old July 10th, 2005, 10:13   #7
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If it's the Crosman G36 springer, they sell for $75. $150 is a 200% overprice increase.

And again, you should Read more about this sport; $30 per small can of green gas may seem like a good deal, but the propane adaptor is a smarter purchase.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 17:18   #8
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Nope its a TM G36c I think it was the one sitting on the shelf(showroom model) and thats why he got it so cheap. No rounds had been put through it yet though so its all good. I will order a propane adaptor as soon as possible, i just want to buy a can of green gas so i can test her out right away.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 22:04   #9
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propane + plastic slide = crack

If your using propane you will be better off upgrading to a metal slide or getting a KWA G19 online. The KWA G19 comes with a metal slide but no HW frame.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 22:18   #10
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Originally Posted by quick90
propane + plastic slide = crack
EXACTLY, stay away from abs slides. Some say its better for performance but it will crack and when it does its not gunna be pleasant.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 22:56   #11
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Another option I'm pretty sure you can do is to use propane on the plastic slide and when it cracks you can get a metal one. Correct me if I'm wrong.

G19 metal slides are avaible from many retailers. It sucks that g23 slides are really hard to find.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 23:08   #12
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well since i will be getting another paycheck before i go there again i will have enough to get a metal slide also, so no worries there.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 23:13   #13
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If the place you went to in Grande Prairie was Splatters Paintball (Canadian Airsoft for their airsoft section) I wouldn't really trust them. I was recently ripped off by them for 3 springers.
They have them shown on their online store with hopup tags and priced the same as all the other Canadian Airsoft retailers (about $100). I emailed them and was impressed at the fast reply.
They informed me that they had the 3 springers I was looking for and that they were on sale for only 69.95!
I asked them about shipping and was told that they could do a COD, but not DD, so I set up COD shipment by Greyhound with them. I asked how much shipping should be, and was told a mere $10, which I really should have questioned, but I was already impressed by their service, so I didn't.
Our package arrived at the depot with over $50 of shipping charges for a COD (which was more what I'd expected, though I was still irritated that they had not told me the truth, though they hadn't directly lied to me.) I looked at the store's bill that was enclosed in the box, I found that they'd charged me an additional $10 for shipping! That was what they meant that shipping would be $10!
After opening the boxes of the springer we found them all coated in a thin layer of grey dust -alright, so they've sat in their storage area for a while... I work at a store and things sit there too.
I ordered a TM PC 356 springer from them, and when I pulled it out of the box, I was dismayed to find that the shiny-painted surface of the ejection port was scratched to shit. This springer had clearly seen some use. I decided that this was the reason for the price drop, and figured that a little cosmetic damage wasn't that big a deal for springer matches, if they'd used the springer a bit in their store.
I broke down the springer (a nice feature of some TM springers) and found that the tip of the cylinder nozzle (some people call it the nipple) was severely worn, to the point that the part that's supposed to be a round tube sticking out of the cylinder, was worn down to 45 degrees! This was the same with the M9 springer that we ordered, and would assume it to be the same for the P7 springer, but it cannot be taken down.
Upon further inspection, I noticed that the springer had no copper barrel, as all hopup models should have. The springers had no hopup!
All told, we thought we were getting a deal, but for 69.95 each, with no hopup and the springers being severely used and $60 tacked on for total shipping charges, we were had.
When you order something from an online retailer, particularily an airsoft retailer, unless it's noted, you should be able to assume that you're getting new stuff. Their site didn't specifically say that the springers didn't have hopup, but the fact that they had hopup tags in the pictures of the ones they sold was more than misleading.
Between all that and the finely printed "All sales final, etc." (the usual reciept disclaimer) and the fact that they hadn't so much directly lied to me as made a point of leaving out certain details, I knew there was no point in calling and complaining; their asses are covered.
After all taxes and shipping totalled up, the price for 3 $69.95 springers and a $30 tactical holster was close to $330 -almost the same as it all would have cost from any other retailer with them in stock new and with hopup!
If you can go there in person, you can check the stuff their selling you out yourself, and they can't rip you off for shipping, but I wouldn't reccomend taking anything said for granted. If you decide to deal with them, ask plenty of questions, and ask to see things before you pay for them.
If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 23:15   #14
Grim Fandango
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Nope its a TM G36c
I highly doubt they sell TM AEGs for $250 regular price. The cheapest online HK retailer i've found sells them for $260, so I highly doubt some small paintball shop is able to sell them at that price. Did you actually see this cheap TM AEG? Or are you just going by what somebody told you? I think it's probably some cheap springer, or some cheap AEG made by Cyma or something.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 23:25   #15
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Yes I am talking about Splatter Paintball .Well i looked at their springers and they were very dusty, im going to make sure that i get a glock in its original package with the plastic heat sealed back. I will open it in the store to make sure everything checks out and gas it up and see if it works since they have a target stand there. Could you please give me the web address cause i seem to be always getting some old unupdated webpage from them.
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