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Old September 28th, 2012, 08:15   #76
FirestormX's Avatar
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This is important. "sealed eye protection" doesn't mean just take a pair of ski goggles out, or put tape around the edges of your sunglasses.
At 500 FPS, mouth guards at lest should be necessary, if not proper masks. Losing a tooth isn't an urban legend. A field runner made a post a few days ago, worried about the ramifications of a player on his field having his teeth shattered.
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Old September 28th, 2012, 08:43   #77
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Originally Posted by Avanarius View Post
The sealed eye protection seems like a good idea. Although, without minors, I don't see much need for any more protection personally.We might need to enforce it in the future as the guns get more powerful but I just haven't seen much of a need for it and I've been shot by the worst of the worst from what our players bring.
That statement right there sums up your total level of understanding and ignorance at the same time.

Eye protection seems like a good idea.

You do not see a need to enforce sound safety policies and procedures.

You choose not to enforce sound safety policies and procedures.

You are either too young to know what you have gotten yourself involved with, or you have chosen to be blindly ignorant of what could, would and might happen. OR - Worst case scenario, you honestly lack common sense and any form or intelligence when it comes to safety of those around you.

Your ignorance, inattention to detail, and blatant disregard for any common safety practice or policies that are involved in any normal airsoft event, is mind boggling. These are not merely suggestions or the airsoft rules Nazi's attempting to enforce on you. Everything that has been mentioned from the allowance of Minor Players, to Eye Safety, to Chronography Registration of all devices. Would be and should always be a Normal Safe Operating Policy and Procedure.

You should pay attention to the advise and take notes from what has been posted here.

But then why would you. You have already admitted that you will madly and blindly stumble along your current path, as you see no need or reason to change.

6 Section, 2 Forward Observation Unit Airborne, Royal Artillery
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Last edited by Mr.Shiney; September 28th, 2012 at 08:53..
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Old September 28th, 2012, 10:14   #78
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Mentally 18+ ALWAYS
Physically....I'd say post-puberty. It's really odd to play with kids 2/3 of your height (and I'm below average for height)
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Old September 28th, 2012, 10:27   #79
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Again, it's about legal liability. Not maturity, not how fit someone is mentally (unless they're obviously impaired otherwise)
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Old September 28th, 2012, 10:49   #80
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communism seemed like a good idea too.

new coke seemed like a good idea

crystal pepsi seemed like a good idea

hooking up with that mysterious looking thai girl seemed like a good idea


wait... did I just say that last one out loud?...

This sounds more like a good idea/bad idea skit from animaniacs.

proven eye protection doesn't seem to be a good idea... it IS a good idea, this isn't an optional thing. while modern prescription eyewear lenses can offer some pretty good protection they can't completely cover enough area to prevent the one in a million shot from sneaking in and blinding someone for life.

That isn't a joke. That's reality. If someone can be lucky enough to win a 1 in 40 million odds lottery, some poor bastard can be unlucky enough to get a 1 in a million shot through gaps in his eye pro. That's not an assumption of anything, that is murphy's law.

Last edited by lurkingknight; September 28th, 2012 at 11:11..
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Old September 28th, 2012, 11:36   #81
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Going through gaps definitely happens. Try putting a set of open glasses in front of something round, shooting at it, and see how many rounds end up inside.

Here's a quote from a thread a couple weeks ago. This was with sealed goggles, but they were poorly fitted.

Originally Posted by Berkut View Post
I used to ran Bolles as well, as you mentioned, they leave huge gaps all over the place. After few years of using them had a BB go through the gap over the nose, hit me in the eye. Freaked me right out.
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Old September 28th, 2012, 12:03   #82
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I said "seems" because I obviously have to get everyones opinion here and raise MY attention to the "great leader". Can you guys please turn off the flamefest? I'm at the point of understanding and I'm really just ready to move forward now.

I'm just incredibly thankful no one got hurt due to negligence on our behalf.

In person no one has voiced concerns to you? What about the OP?.. and you, or the "great Leader" blew him off?
Nope OP never mentioned a thing to me, nor mr leader (meaning the leader never said anything to me, he could have chose not to tell me possibly which would be a totally different problem on it's own). It's sorta hard to get things done if no one says anything.

Last edited by Avanarius; September 28th, 2012 at 12:06..
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Old September 28th, 2012, 12:29   #83
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For the new folks on here this is yet another familiar behavior pattern on Airsoft Canada. Here's how it breaks down.
  • New Player signs up with question Something like "Hi, I'm new and at games is this normal when something like X happens".

  • Community response The response will be either "yes that's normal, man up you pussy", or "no that is wrong, take these steps to remedy".

  • Player response If the player signed up to win validation for a preconceived idea that's not within the normal scope of play they will begin a rapid spiral downward till they melt down. If the question is good one (like this) then the tread will continue and more information will develop.

  • Community response As noted if the question/person is stupid then they get stepped on. If it is a good question a solid thread will develop.

  • 3rd Party joins conversation If the thread is like this one the 3rd party will soon sign up to sing their own praises and attempt to deflect criticism and diminish their actions by attempting an ambush of the original poster.

  • Community response The replies and questions become extremely specific and pointed. Please do not forget that this is not the first time this has come up. Everyone knows just what question to ask, just what weak point or grievous mistakes the 3rd party has made and how to counter their defences and excuses.

  • 3rd party response The third party will continue to defend themselves and their friends. They'll do anything they can to duck and dodge try to put themselves in the light of victims of a smear campaign.

  • Community response This is when the hate machine wakes up.

    Any questions?

Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old September 28th, 2012, 12:40   #84
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Any questions?
No questions. This isn't my problem to fix for THIS online community. It's a problem to fix to keep MY community safe.
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Old September 28th, 2012, 12:58   #85
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Originally Posted by Avanarius View Post
No questions. This isn't my problem to fix for THIS online community. It's a problem to fix to keep MY community safe.
Free advice; if someone asks "any questions" and you don't have anything smart to say then keep your mouth shut.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old September 28th, 2012, 13:41   #86
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Originally Posted by Avanarius View Post
No questions. This isn't my problem to fix for THIS online community. It's a problem to fix to keep MY community safe.
Unfortunately anything thing happen IN YOUR communitiy affect the rest of us since majority of the soccer moms out there are painting anything with a gun as evil doom bringer of life as they know it, so smarten up and take the advice given by some long standing members here to heart. It's so easy for this hobby/community to be painted as bad apples because of teh actions of a few retards.
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Old September 28th, 2012, 13:56   #87
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
Unfortunately anything thing happen IN YOUR communitiy affect the rest of us since majority of the soccer moms out there are painting anything with a gun as evil doom bringer of life as they know it, so smarten up and take the advice given by some long standing members here to heart. It's so easy for this hobby/community to be painted as bad apples because of teh actions of a few retards.
While I totally agree with you; I consider myself a pretty rational and understanding person so I have to bring up one point. Have you ever thought that bashing, flaming, attacking, name calling, and a lot of what I have seen above does absolutely nothing to help fix the problem for the entire airsoft community, and actually makes it worse?
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Old September 28th, 2012, 14:12   #88
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Originally Posted by Avanarius View Post
While I totally agree with you; I consider myself a pretty rational and understanding person so I have to bring up one point. Have you ever thought that bashing, flaming, attacking, name calling, and a lot of what I have seen above does absolutely nothing to help fix the problem for the entire airsoft community, and actually makes it worse?
You're full of shit.
"I rather die standing on my feet than to live upon my knees"
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Old September 28th, 2012, 14:22   #89
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Danke View Post
For the new folks on here this is yet another familiar behavior pattern on Airsoft Canada. Here's how it breaks down.
  • New Player signs up with question Something like "Hi, I'm new and at games is this normal when something like X happens".

  • Community response The response will be either "yes that's normal, man up you pussy", or "no that is wrong, take these steps to remedy".

  • Player response If the player signed up to win validation for a preconceived idea that's not within the normal scope of play they will begin a rapid spiral downward till they melt down. If the question is good one (like this) then the tread will continue and more information will develop.

  • Community response As noted if the question/person is stupid then they get stepped on. If it is a good question a solid thread will develop.

  • 3rd Party joins conversation If the thread is like this one the 3rd party will soon sign up to sing their own praises and attempt to deflect criticism and diminish their actions by attempting an ambush of the original poster.

  • Community response The replies and questions become extremely specific and pointed. Please do not forget that this is not the first time this has come up. Everyone knows just what question to ask, just what weak point or grievous mistakes the 3rd party has made and how to counter their defences and excuses.

  • 3rd party response The third party will continue to defend themselves and their friends. They'll do anything they can to duck and dodge try to put themselves in the light of victims of a smear campaign.

  • Community response This is when the hate machine wakes up.

    Any questions?

Excellent summation of the process.

Originally Posted by Avanarius View Post
single person out of my sight without it. The sealed eye protection seems like a good idea. Although, without minors, I don't see much need for any more protection personally. We might need to enforce it in the future as the guns get more powerful but I just haven't seen much of a need for it and I've been shot by the worst of the worst from what our players bring.
Running across the runway while the 747 hurled towards me seemed like a good idea at the time.

Playing in traffic seemed like a good idea at the time.

Looking down the loaded barrel of a gun with my finger on the trigger seemed like a good idea at the time.

Come on folks, I've got a hundreds of these!! This is why the nanny state makes laws in the first place!!

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.

Last edited by Zeonprime; September 28th, 2012 at 14:27..
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Old September 28th, 2012, 14:26   #90
Join Date: Sep 2012
Originally Posted by nickssj21 View Post
You're full of shit.
That was a solid and logical response.
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