Originally Posted by ILLusion
The site actually states that when the cones are fully lined up in the open position, that's the quietest setting. The loudest setting is when all of the holes are closed to direct the sound downrange.
Having the holes closed up would focus all of the sound waves to be forced downrange and in line with axis of the barrel. To the shooter and operators to the side of the shooter, the sound may not sound much different, but target downrange would hear a much sharper and louder popping noise.
I finaly got around to re-testing it..and yeah I am noticing a bit of an improvement in the sound with the cones adjusted in the "close position" abiet more of a change of pitch/tone rather than a volume amplification. I decied to alter may barrel set up and just bought a CQB barrel so I will do a test this weekend to see if the combination of both will make any difference. CIAO