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Usefullness of Pistols


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Old February 12th, 2011, 12:53   #46
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
In your case, it's to sneak into your pants during mil-sim games so you can pretend to be a civilian, sit around the NATO base chatting up the soldiers there, then laying waste to half of them because they were dumb enough to have their rifles relaxed.

Of course I'm right, you got a few of us with that trick you bugger.
Yeah I forgot about that one...... I have an mp5 pdw for that now....
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Old February 12th, 2011, 20:19   #47
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While this thread is generating a consensus of 'Yeah, pistols rock', I'd advise the OP to take a look at the join dates and post counts of the majority of the repliers. Using a pistol against AEG's is very doable, but takes alot of skill and experience. I would highly recommend against any newcomer to the sport trying this, as they would likely come away with a negative experience. For the newcomer, a pistol is good for emergency backup and the occasional pistols only battle, but little else.

Think about it: A pistol usually firing a couple of rounds a second at 320ish fps from a six inch barrel, with a 25 round mag and iron sights. Versus a full auto AEG firing 10 to 30 rounds a second at 350-400 fps from a foot and a half barrel, with an 80 round mag, optics and a shoulder stock. Without a lot of skill on the side of the pistol wielder, who do you think will win the majority of the time?

Pistols do indeed rock, I love my KJW 1911 to pieces. But I wouldn't use it in battle against an AEG unless my M4 was bone dry of ammo. And in that instance, I wouldn't have high hopes of winning. If you want to go light-weight in battle, think about a good subgun like a p90 or mp5k-pdw rather then pistols.
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Old February 12th, 2011, 22:44   #48
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Originally Posted by six4 View Post
Pistols only is a blast!

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Hehe my move is Mozambique Style. If they don't call their hits after that I throw the gun at them. And then after that if they still don't call their hits I throw my mags, BB's, boots, mand other stuff at em. And if they're really trying to shrug off their hits I buttstroke them. Nothing like a nice love tap to brighten my day.
Originally Posted by rc_p120 View Post
Reality has a well known liberal bias.

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Old February 12th, 2011, 23:01   #49
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Originally Posted by sirtaco27 View Post
Hehe my move is Mozambique Style. If they don't call their hits after that I throw the gun at them. And then after that if they still don't call their hits I throw my mags, BB's, boots, mand other stuff at em. And if they're really trying to shrug off their hits I buttstroke them. Nothing like a nice love tap to brighten my day.
You sound a lot like Poncho! Lol
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Old February 12th, 2011, 23:06   #50
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last year I played almost solely on pistols... outdoors ...

with a pair of internally stock TM Desert eagles... I tried a few other things here and there, but always went back to my tried and true twins

I just recently sold them to a teammate to move to a pair of TM G18C's ... I've got one in a Roni Carbine to help with accuracy while burst firing. when the glocks are done and a "pair" I'll be using the carbine less and going back to dual wield crazyness

so.. yeah... pistols are very useful! ... seriously if you want to improve your skills in sneaky, snap shooting, accuracy etc etc ... play some game with just a pistol.. or if your into really pushing yourself, play outdoors with a pump shotgun (triple shot ofcourse) ... the kill count can drop ... but the kills are WAY more gratifying and memorable
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Old February 13th, 2011, 00:37   #51
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Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
so.. yeah... pistols are very useful! ... seriously if you want to improve your skills in sneaky, snap shooting, accuracy etc etc ... play some game with just a pistol.. or if your into really pushing yourself, play outdoors with a pump shotgun (triple shot ofcourse) ... the kill count can drop ... but the kills are WAY more gratifying and memorable :D
This is so true. Though, a triple shot shotgun is so silent that when used well, you are not really at a disadvantage. ;)
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Old February 13th, 2011, 04:57   #52
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Where a pistol really shines:

I was moving up on where I thought the enemy might be. It was really thick small pine, and I mean thick but there was a tiny path leading through. If it wasn't covered it was an easy way behind enemy lines, if it was covered it was suicide.

I decide to chance it when I hear someone moving down the trail! I dive behind a fallen tree and lie on my back cursing my bad luck. There was no cover but this tree. So I'm lying there with my sidearm on my chest (because there was no room to swing the M4 and stay hidden) and the bloody enemy starts to step OVER the log and is ready to plant that boot on my chest because he doesn't even know I'm there!

I called out for him to surrender while pointing my sidearm at his testicles and the guy stops mid stride and I immediately notice due to even further bad luck that his MP5 is pointed straight at my head just due to the way he was carrying it. I know his MP5 was upgraded to 400fps or just over, but I have a clear shot to his family jewels, both barrels are no more than 2 feet max away from their targets.

It seemed like forever but we finally speak and agree to go our seperate ways, not surrendering to each other but decided to just walk back to our own lines

I REALLY wanted to pull that trigger but that full auto burst of BB's at 400fps would have hurt like a bitch
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Old February 13th, 2011, 08:35   #53
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
You sound a lot like Poncho! Lol
Hahaha! And Wildcard reminds poncho of that day often.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 13:04   #54
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Super Duper.

Recommended First Purchase?
Well, yes actually. I did, but that is because I was working weekends and had no opportunity to play outdoor, but DID have access to a pretty darn good indoor facility.
After extensive use of every airsoft system they had for rent I determined that the best thing (for me) to use at indoor games was a pistol, for both fun and function.

The challenges it presented in learning to play airsoft were invaluable first lessons of aggression, ammo conservation, and stealth in that order. This made the transition to AEGs much smoother and more satisfying as I could spend my time getting used to the ins and outs of the gun instead of grappling with fundamentals.

Try before you buy would be the safest bet, then try again.

Last edited by Cliffradical; February 16th, 2011 at 13:04.. Reason: Redundant word
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