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Madbull UAV?


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Old September 1st, 2010, 11:43   #46
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You know what would suck? Going back to the parking lot after a game where you shot down an Airsoft UAV and seeing you car smashed and on fire.

Try to keep in mind that it was a member of YOUR community that footed the bill and shared that technology with the players of that event. Shooting a UAV down in an event is just like going over to another player and smashing his AEG into a tree. Destruction of property is just that.

Granted putting anything into a combat environment has to take consideration that it will likely get shot at, but deliberate intention to break someone elses shit is just retarded behaviour that we have no room for here.
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Old September 1st, 2010, 11:45   #47
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Originally Posted by VooDooPeteK View Post
Yea and I don't know how many times I hear " I am gonna shoot one down one day" at our local games lol
Are you guys signing up for the next Airsoft Drama for 2010? I guess we haven't had anything come up in the news yet about 'responsible ownership'.

Here's Poncho 'playing nice' because I don't need another infraction.
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Old September 1st, 2010, 12:06   #48
Short Round
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho View Post
You know what would suck? Going back to the parking lot after a game where you shot down an Airsoft UAV and seeing you car smashed and on fire.

Try to keep in mind that it was a member of YOUR community that footed the bill and shared that technology with the players of that event. Shooting a UAV down in an event is just like going over to another player and smashing his AEG into a tree. Destruction of property is just that.

Granted putting anything into a combat environment has to take consideration that it will likely get shot at, but deliberate intention to break someone elses shit is just retarded behaviour that we have no room for here.
Very good point. In that case some one might as well build a EMP and screw everyone over, the end
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Old September 1st, 2010, 15:24   #49
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take a look at this

very close to but only 299 and its controlled my your itouch/iphone/ipad
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Old September 1st, 2010, 15:27   #50
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Originally Posted by oicurpn View Post
take a look at this

very close to but only 299 and its controlled my your itouch/iphone/ipad
already a thread about it.... its styrofoam, and can only work in areas with wifi (useless in bush games)
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Old September 1st, 2010, 15:41   #51
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Originally Posted by Najohn View Post
build a EMP
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Old September 1st, 2010, 16:09   #52
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I'd buy a UAV for the Rawdon game if it would encourage team leaders to institute a good command and communications structure to better use the information they could get from a UAV pass. A game that big really benefits from having some good C&C. If we could pool some dough, it would be really fun to have a few UAVs so they could be rotated to get more total airborne coverage time. I would have loved to have seen some overall footage of some of the large area rushes.
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Old September 1st, 2010, 17:06   #53
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Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
I'd buy a UAV for the Rawdon game if it would encourage team leaders to institute a good command and communications structure to better use the information they could get from a UAV pass. A game that big really benefits from having some good C&C. If we could pool some dough, it would be really fun to have a few UAVs so they could be rotated to get more total airborne coverage time. I would have loved to have seen some overall footage of some of the large area rushes.
+1 to that - pushes the MilSim envelope to the next level. The cost of this technology certainly makes these concepts feasible by the general player.
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Old September 1st, 2010, 21:37   #54
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The Parrot looks awesome, but if the Madbull is cheaper then I'd have to go with the Madbull.
I think the problem with the shooting down argument is that it flies too high. Plus you have to deal with wind and gravity. And even after all that, a .25 to .43 gram object will probably do nothing to it anyways. Unless it's shooting 600+ FPS. Then there might be a problem.
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Old September 1st, 2010, 21:47   #55
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I'd love to have a UAV for urban ops and open fields like FR

Couldn't cost more than a Can $ adjusted reliably working PTW setup could it?
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 08:39   #56
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Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
I'd buy a UAV for the Rawdon game if it would encourage team leaders to institute a good command and communications structure to better use the information they could get from a UAV pass. A game that big really benefits from having some good C&C. If we could pool some dough, it would be really fun to have a few UAVs so they could be rotated to get more total airborne coverage time. I would have loved to have seen some overall footage of some of the large area rushes.
Originally Posted by lt_poncho View Post
+1 to that - pushes the MilSim envelope to the next level. The cost of this technology certainly makes these concepts feasible by the general player.
Gotta +2 this. Have shared this thought with SD for several years now. Though I still favour the idea of fixed wing orbiting UAV.

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Old September 2nd, 2010, 17:44   #57
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I've flown shedloads of RC, everything from classic .60 size high wings to VERY large gasser copters to flying turbine, ergo I feel I have something to add. Sure, there is a large market for a feasible UAV in the airsoft world, modern soldiers are using em abroad so why not us? BUT, and this is a huge but, if it just sits there and hovers and makes noise (why yes, those four rotors, that whining will drive you insane after a while) while it floats up there, in my opinion does not make sense. Lets take this from the top, in the video, the system used to control it, is a JR x3810 radio, its archaic (circa 2003) I use a Futaba 9CAP on 2.4ghz and its STILL archaic... the fact that the UAV is hovering handsfree is VERY EARLY 2000s (see what draganfly had already done) this is not a critique to Madbull, but I would hesitate to empty my pockets if this is anywhere near $500 mark without ground support equipment (yes it is a UAV, you will need ground equipment to not only control it, but to get a video feed, so UAV alone is quite hard to work with). Also, if you provide one group tactical advantage such as a UAV, its VERY hard to tell the other strike group to NOT engage the UAV, this becomes a one sided deal and someone WILL try to shoot it down. For the latter, it would be better if a DEDICATED AND QUALIFIED RC or UAV pilot to fly this thing full time; WHY? because a moving target is not an easy target so you can avoid the evil bastards that want to shoot that much flying equipment down AND you get the opportunity to have a full view of the battle ground. Yes, its true a below 600 fps gun will have a hard time shooting it down, however, people will try and at a high enough altitude unless you got an open field and everyone's wearing high vis, you ain't designating anything. Also a lot of worries come to mind, failure of the UAV (gyro out, etc.) will only result in either the said item being destroyed while it does the funky chicken (rotor freaks, y'all can laugh at this) or in worse case scenario, bodily injuries (blades are reinforced nylon, if you've been impaled or nicked by an APC at about 2600 rpms, you know what I mean). Range will be limited unless you're thinking of support equipment that I have spoken of. An iPhone alone, even though a great tool, is not 100% glitch free, which is why in the RC world we have a constant battle in who really provides a REAL glitch free signal (see Futaba Vs Hitec 2.4ghz debate). Also long range will need additional equipment besides the receiver unit for the video feed, such as patch antenna's and don't even think of breaking 500' if you're anywhere in the vicinity of a small airfield. Once again, this not a critique of Madbull's attempt, actually, I'm very excited, however, this may turn into a gimmick if its not fielded right.
BTW somebody mentioned a fixed wing orbital UAV, excellent choice Sir.

Although, as a side note, this would be THE BEST thing to have at a large game for the game marshalls and might stop the "zombie phenomenon" at games, imagine the kills captured in video.
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 19:32   #58
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Fact is, taliban dont have these so if you play taliban, you have to adapt, just like the real deal.

This said, there are no american Suicide Bombers so to each his own ''tools'' of war.

As for the shooting the UAV part, I'm also inclined to say that people will try to shoot down it but if you have any decency, you would not because it's a cool thing to have on the field, makes the game better.

If I would catch a guy shooting at it I would gladly squeal on the Ahole.

Having a time limit on the battery is actually a good thing because it gives windows to the other team to exploit.

Having a pilot avoid the BB's is impossible anyway. The only way to avoid 100% not get shot down is with altitude.

I'm also a bigger fan of the predator type UAV option. It's going to stay up way longer just because the engines dont pull juice 100% of the time and if you have engine failure, you just glide it back down.

Having a GPS positionning system helps a lot though. Not having to see the drone to place it over the field or to bring it back over you to land it. I dont know if you can have a hovering pattern for a plane type drone using this type of positionning.

My main concern is that often you have a lot of trees in between some places so direct line of sight is often impossible so unless you've got a setup like the parrot with 2 cameras ( 1 front and one under ) or one camera with servos to control where you're looking at it's not worth it.

I'd be more inclined to use it as an airstrike by triggering m203 shells or something :P

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Old September 2nd, 2010, 19:50   #59
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I think the option of shooting the UAV out of the sky is a must have. It's been noted a typical AEG will be just noise so some sort of IR god gun would ideal. Those would go to one or two key players on the opposing side.

The whole idea of "it's expensive so don't shoot at it" turns me off. I have a real EOTech on my rifle. Do I get a free pass so the lens doesn't get shot out? I have it protected with a cover but what about from the back? Or my NOD, do I get a force-field for that too?

Otherwise you might as well just have a wallet contest where everyone whips theirs out and the guy with the thickest wad of cash can be crowned the king of the game.
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 20:14   #60
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
already a thread about it.... its styrofoam, and can only work in areas with wifi (useless in bush games)
It is metal and plastic guts wrapped in a styrofoam shell and has a Styrofoam removable bumper, It also creates it's own wi-fi network so yes it will work anywhere including the bush. it's battery life is the deal killer.

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