Half the fun of doing an impression is doing a little research on your unit. This will not only guide you in a direction for gear but you will learn some unit history to go with. Do a lot of snoopin around on the net and get to know your prices before you commit to something. As someone said earlier cheaper is not always better >> Watch out for stuff from China!! Theres a reason its cheap, IE> Buttons are generally sharp and held on by two threads>> And i mean two threads. Id recommend buying one item from a dealer/supplier and see how the quality shapes up before spending an large amount with them. For gameing buy repro stuff, original is expensive>> Really expensive and is meant to be collected not rolled around in the dirt. Dont be discouraged, take your time im glad to see more players takeing up an interest in WW11 Impressions, whether thats Allied or Axis. Deals can usually be found on E-Bay as well. reenactorsstuff.com was a good place for quality uniforms but it has been inactive for some time, i dont know whats going on there. lostbattalions.com has quality gear but at a price. Hessenantique.com has a great selection. GL Doc