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Poncho liner/Ranger blanket


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Old February 15th, 2012, 11:38   #16
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
There were two different Rangers with the Zips. One of the kit shops Farmed a bunch out to a local Seamstress and Cut necks and added the border Zips. on the US wdld Ranger Blankies. I have only heard of these as No one who has one would ever turn it in for Surplus Disposal. The Other was the most recent Issue Cadpat Blankie withthe Neck hole w/ Zip and CBorder Zip. Those were breifly available through the Kit shops as well but have since Disappeared. I had a whack for a while in 2008/9 (ish) But none left now.
I have now a Commercially made Cadpat (ish) Fleece Blanket that has the Border Zip. Makes a sweet Bag Liner, and would be great in the warmer months lining the Goretex Bivy. But it doesn't have the field proven qualities of the reg Ranger Blanket.
Yep, that was the story that I was told when I purchased mine in Gagetown as well as London way back. You're right, I don't have any intention of ever selling mine off either. Would've been nice to get the updated Cadpat version though.
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Old February 15th, 2012, 12:08   #17
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Rex is going to be up this weekend...I could pick it up and send it back with him.

I think I still have one of those...I know I used to. I might have to pick up another one since they're frickin awesome...I remember many a frosty night in Pet where my Ranger Blanket was a godsend.
Thanks, but jeroon just shipped it. Besides, I might have to drive out to Smith's Falls to pick it up from Rexter. Lol, not sure where he works now.
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Old February 17th, 2012, 23:29   #18
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Got my poncho liner and wool blanket (new one) from Jeroon today, excellent quality, and also just started the gears and tools in motion for my next project (as if I don't already have enough!) Made sixteen 3/8" OD Kydex reinforcements tonight, with a 1/4" hole in the middle, to put 1/4" eyelets in the right places to tie the poncho liner to the wool blanket. As well, will be adding top and bottom eyelets to my poncho to be able to tie all three together (and more as needed) to make a three piece layered sleeping bag system (poncho waterproof/windproof outer layer, wool blanket in the middle to hold and keep warmth, poncho liner inside to warm up quickly).

Pair up with my Aqua-quest 6mx9m camo tarp and my AQ bivy bag, I'll have a compact shelter/sleeping bag system with flexibility as I need to. Beats my usual tent/wool blankets/light sleeping bag so far that I've used (largely because of not having the experience of much lightweight camping, I've brought along 'just in case gear', which has proven useful a couple times, but want to find something that I trust this year that won't take a lot of space). If I can pack all into one medium sized backpack and not worry about getting cold at night, I'll be a happy camper!

Will start a new thread if anyone is interested..........
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