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Mp5a2 gbbr


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Old June 1st, 2011, 15:55   #16
aZn_triXta07's Avatar
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The VFC M4 was a bit of a dissappointment, for that price range and aftermarket parts availability the WE is a winner.

If I had one more day in HK I would have gotten to participate in WGC's demo of this new GBB SMG.

Please note the real steel does not have a bolt stop nor does the bolt lock back.

Another thing is when reloading on the real steel the bolt must be locked open otherwise you'll experience a jam. This will not happen (I hope) with the Airsoft version.

The Maruzen design fires from an open bolt position (not realistic)

In terms of recoil you shouldn't expect much as you can one-hand the real thing that's been all Barbied up really easily. In comparison with the AR and M14 GBBRs I would say the difference is about right.

I'm not going to bust my load because it's a steel receiver, the SRC MP5 AEGs are advertised as one-piece uber strong steel receivers but they still feel like toys not guns.
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Old June 3rd, 2011, 02:18   #17
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
Another thing is when reloading on the real steel the bolt must be locked open otherwise you'll experience a jam. This will not happen (I hope) with the Airsoft version.
Wasn't that the issue with people loading the magazine to 32 round? One should never load 32 round in a mag design for 30 round.

The biggest disappointment for me are:

-Poor Gas efficiency (magazine design, no expansion chamber I'm guessing)
-Lack of anti-dry firing mechanism. SRC and GHK managed, why can't VFC?

If anything, I'd recommand the KSC MP7 over this if you want functional SMG.
KSC MP7 much like VFC have very little recoil, however it can have 200 rounds on semi or 100 round on auto (23C, Fully charged 40 rounder) Additionally, having a anti-dry firing is a big plus in CQB. I would like to see how the accuracy goes between KSC MP7 and the VFC MP5.

All in all, for a GBBR
  • Anti-dry firing
  • Heavy recoil
  • Low-Cool down
  • 2 or more magazine bb shot per gas charge
  • Internal and external durability
  • Realistic
Are the big plus for the gun. Since VFC only seem to have 1 (maybe 2). I doubt this will be a big hit for all skirmisher
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Old June 3rd, 2011, 04:03   #18
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
All in all, for a GBBR
  • Anti-dry firing
  • Heavy recoil
  • Low-Cool down
  • 2 or more magazine bb shot per gas charge
  • Internal and external durability
  • Realistic
Are the big plus for the gun. Since VFC only seem to have 1 (maybe 2). I doubt this will be a big hit for all skirmisher
kullwarrior this is not aimed at you, just something for everyone to consider.

realistic operation is more important than realistic recoil, and if you want to be able to unload 2 mag loads of BBs on one gas charge.. you can forget about heavy recoil.
using heavy parts made of alum/zinc alloy or crap soft steel means you are sacrificing durability/rate of fire for gimmick/novelty. personally i would prefer a GBBR that functions as close to its RS twin as "legally possible, and lasts longer than a Walmart brand clearsoft.

this fixation with heavy recoil has become rather silly, and these manufactures are cashing in on it. asking for a GBBR that is gas efficient and has heavy recoil is a fantasy. we can have one or the other, not both. at least with (gas in mag) systems. the only real way to get the heavy recoil everyone wants is to use heavy parts, and that needs a lot of gas pressure to operate. (gas in mag) systems simply can not provide the pressure and gas volume needed to produce the wanted recoil and cycle the system at a realistic rate of fire. the only way to achieve that would be to dump the compressed gas system and use pyro(explosives/gun powder)... so much for legal/practical airsoft guns.

if they were to make the bolt of this MP5 as light and tough as possible, i would totally be all over it.
using 7075 T6 aluminum and anodize it to at least level II would work great. keeping the internals light means more gas efficiency, and more BBs out the barrel before the need to refill the mag. not to mention that it would not consume its self like some of the current GBBRs do. a good example of a well designed GBBR is the KJW TK M4. the only reason why i think some players don't like the TK M4 is due to those thermold mags.
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Old June 3rd, 2011, 05:27   #19
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Originally Posted by Dynamo View Post
kullwarrior this is not aimed at you, just something for everyone to consider.

realistic operation is more important than realistic recoil, and if you want to be able to unload 2 mag loads of BBs on one gas charge.. you can forget about heavy recoil.
using heavy parts made of alum/zinc alloy or crap soft steel means you are sacrificing durability/rate of fire for gimmick/novelty. personally i would prefer a GBBR that functions as close to its RS twin as "legally possible, and lasts longer than a Walmart brand clearsoft.

this fixation with heavy recoil has become rather silly, and these manufactures are cashing in on it. asking for a GBBR that is gas efficient and has heavy recoil is a fantasy. we can have one or the other, not both. at least with (gas in mag) systems. the only real way to get the heavy recoil everyone wants is to use heavy parts, and that needs a lot of gas pressure to operate. (gas in mag) systems simply can not provide the pressure and gas volume needed to produce the wanted recoil and cycle the system at a realistic rate of fire. the only way to achieve that would be to dump the compressed gas system and use pyro(explosives/gun powder)... so much for legal/practical airsoft guns.

if they were to make the bolt of this MP5 as light and tough as possible, i would totally be all over it.
using 7075 T6 aluminum and anodize it to at least level II would work great. keeping the internals light means more gas efficiency, and more BBs out the barrel before the need to refill the mag. not to mention that it would not consume its self like some of the current GBBRs do. a good example of a well designed GBBR is the KJW TK M4. the only reason why i think some players don't like the TK M4 is due to those thermold mags.
I haven't seen any gun that met all 6, but I have certainly seen guns without any of them

TK still has some issue aside from thermold, they're far less than WA I will admit, but there's stills some.

I really believe the reason VFC has a poor gas efficiency and heavy cool down is simply releasing gas at vapor pressure. WE G36, KJ Thermold are what makes them more gas efficient than typical GBBR today. double expansion chamber helps alot.

Base on the chart about some examples I can pull
5/6: KSC MP7 (recoil)
4/6 WE G36, KJ M4, Daytona/Escort
3/6 Heavily upgraded Magna system
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Old June 3rd, 2011, 08:59   #20
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
I haven't seen any gun that met all 6, but I have certainly seen guns without any of them

TK still has some issue aside from thermold, they're far less than WA I will admit, but there's stills some.

I really believe the reason VFC has a poor gas efficiency and heavy cool down is simply releasing gas at vapor pressure. WE G36, KJ Thermold are what makes them more gas efficient than typical GBBR today. double expansion chamber helps alot.

Base on the chart about some examples I can pull
5/6: KSC MP7 (recoil)
4/6 WE G36, KJ M4, Daytona/Escort
3/6 Heavily upgraded Magna system
then there is that customs GBBR from Gas gun boutique in HK that do customized CO2 shell operated GBBR unfortunately the cost itself surpassed the real thing, performance wise it from what i've seen operation wise they are similar without the big bang and at 400fps average they are certainly acceptable at most fields the downside to it is that the shells which are quite expensive and limited for sale in only one shop and they are not readily available.
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Old June 10th, 2011, 02:56   #21
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It out now,
@4:45 Apparently there's a anti-fire feature like SRC AK (I wish it was like GHK instead)

FPS is too high for CQB games (probably what it would be used for) and not enough for Classification No.9304001010
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Old June 10th, 2011, 13:16   #22
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I'm sure the Ra-tech guys will be making an npas kit for it for lower FPS along with heavier bolts and the likes. They seem to love doing things like that.
After seeing that video it looks alot better then I thought. Too bad theres no 3 round burst, that would be fun though a bit hard to do on a GBB I bet.
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Old June 10th, 2011, 14:39   #23
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So I have went to the WGCSHOP in MongKok in HongKong today to test the gun.

The gun is nearly perfect. Everything is in the right place, the gun is nearly exactly like the real thing. The chamber loads in real nice, and the blowback is really crisp.
The gun fires very nicely, in auto the blowback is still very crisp and clean. No sign of sluggishness like my WE SCAR.

It's selling in HK for 2700$hkd, which is really damn cheap.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to pm me, I can go to the WGCSHOP again since I am not too far away.
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Old June 10th, 2011, 14:48   #24
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Tell us about the cooldown! No problem emptying an entire mag on full auto?

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Old June 10th, 2011, 14:54   #25
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Originally Posted by Gish View Post
I'm sure the Ra-tech guys will be making an npas kit for it for lower FPS along with heavier bolts and the likes. They seem to love doing things like that.
After seeing that video it looks alot better then I thought. Too bad theres no 3 round burst, that would be fun though a bit hard to do on a GBB I bet.
Folks who have them say it's no big think to swap a real lower on with a different trigger group. Of course sourcing one in Canada may take some time.
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Old June 10th, 2011, 15:04   #26
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Does the bolt stop on the last round?
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Old June 10th, 2011, 15:11   #27
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They have a half cock option to add to the magazine to stop firing. It comes with and there's a video on the net of it in action.
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Old June 10th, 2011, 20:24   #28
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Can't seem to find that video
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Old June 11th, 2011, 00:18   #29
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
It out now,
@4:45 Apparently there's a anti-fire feature like SRC AK (I wish it was like GHK instead)

FPS is too high for CQB games (probably what it would be used for) and not enough for Classification No.9304001010
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Can't seem to find that video
Watch at 4:44.
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Old June 11th, 2011, 10:45   #30
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Originally Posted by Sequential View Post
It's selling in HK for 2700$hkd, which is really damn cheap.
If its so cheap, you should buy it and give us a review based on game usage. Aside from everything else, a game will truly show whether the gun is reliable.
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