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Bringing a gun with you to the US?



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Old February 21st, 2014, 11:28   #1
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Bringing a gun with you to the US?

Okay so I know this has been discussed before but I wanted a more current consensus on it now. I'm thinking of visiting SC Village or Game Pod when I go to California this summer but if I can help it, I don't want to spend money to rent if I can just bring my own.

I'm probably only gonna bring a GBBP if it comes down to it and I just go to Game Pod but is the procedure still the same when it comes to bringing the pistol with me as it is importing?

I've been having a hard time finding specific information that isn't too general or isn't outdated.
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Old February 21st, 2014, 11:33   #2
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There is a form/document you can get to bring your gun down, and back up. That's Canada though. Each state tracks it's laws differently, and California has state specific airsoft laws, including but not limited to, the orange tip I believe.
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Old February 21st, 2014, 11:38   #3
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
There is a form/document you can get to bring your gun down, and back up. That's Canada though. Each state tracks it's laws differently, and California has state specific airsoft laws, including but not limited to, the orange tip I believe.
The orange tip I know about, and that won't be too much of a problem. It's any of the logistics I have to deal with
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Old February 21st, 2014, 12:03   #4
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1. Ensure your pistol is legal to re-import (366-499fps) back into the country
2. Ensure your pistol has a unique serial number, if not get it engraved
3. Go to a customs office, they will fill out a Y-38 form (this is what you need the serial number for)
4. Prepare your pistol to comply with the airsoft laws in the state you will be visiting (orange tip)
5. Travel/fun
6. Return to Canada, declare airsoft pistol and produce Y-38 to show you bought it in Canada and it's all on the up-and-up.
7. Done
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Old February 21st, 2014, 13:17   #5
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Does anyone know if the Y-38 has like an effective date? I'm not going until July but would getting one soon be too early?
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Old February 21st, 2014, 13:28   #6
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2. Ensure your pistol has a unique serial number, if not get it engraved

You can also get a serial number sticker from Customs that you can apply to your gun.
If you do this I suggest you visit the closest customs office with your guns, get the sticker, fill out the form and then put a clear coat to seal the sticker and prevent it from rubbing off. For pistols I put it on the underside just in from of the trigger guard and for Rifles on the mag well is good.
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Old February 21st, 2014, 17:27   #7
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Ya I can second that. You DO NOT need a serial number for any weapon you take to the states.

The CBSA guys will give you a yellow sticker with numbers on it that will identify your weapon/item and it will be copied onto a green Y-38 form which will be stamped and signed.

As far as I know there is no expiry on a Y38 form.
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Old February 21st, 2014, 21:45   #8
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Check the status of CA SB199 BEFORE you fly. If it passes as-is and your gun is not a bright color then you could be arrested for possessing it.

This facebook page will have up to date information on the proposed bill:

For entry and travel within the United States:

1) No orange tip is required unless you are going to sell it (Orange tip regulation is a commerce regulation.)
2) You should have it in a hard sided locking case - this is required for real guns but not for airsoft, however someone looking to steal your gun might not know the difference. If it is a pistol you could put the hard case inside of your suitcase and lock it to the handle rail on the inside.
3) Do not bring any gas or CO2 at all - MAGS MUST BE EMPTY OF GAS!
4) Declare it as an airsoft gun to the airline when you check in
5) Give yourself an extra 1/2 hour for airport check-in as everybody at every airport has a different opinion of what the rules are.
6) Within the US you don't need a unique serial number but seeing the above posts it seems like the best idea.

Here is the official TSA blog ( on airsoft when flying:

I normally check mine in a Peilcan case (I have a Pelican 1700 that fits two M4's and one pistol) and lock it with two master locks (not TSA locks.) I declare an airsoft gun at the counter and 9 times out of 10 the airline agent makes me fill out a firearms declaration card (for a real firearm.) They mostly don't know the difference and really are not trained to.
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Old March 11th, 2014, 19:23   #9
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I I'm from Portugal I'm living in Toronto .i want to know if is pocible to bring my Guns to Canadá ?
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