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This kinda shit makes me upset...



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Old February 7th, 2014, 02:32   #1
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Thumbs down This kinda shit makes me upset...

Ontario cat will lose eye after being shot 17 times.

Poor cat... god damn those sick fucks, burn in hell.

Side note, this one also upsets me (non-airsoft related)
Kid was beat with a Geroge Foreman grill...

Last edited by Sequential; February 7th, 2014 at 02:35..
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Old February 7th, 2014, 08:31   #2
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Yeah, animal cruelty is making a comeback. People starving their dogs/cats is the new fad going around. In Calgary, they found a two year old husky someone had taped its mouth shut and it slowly starved in an alley way. Alone, tired, in pain. Later they found a cat there as well I believe, same thing. I heard they finally have some suspects though. I hope they get at least a year in prison for every hour those animals suffered like that.
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Old February 7th, 2014, 09:15   #3
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The ...

The medical examiner's officer determined that Myls sustained injuries to his head, neck, face, abdomen, legs, wrists, ankles, fingers, armpit and testicles,
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Old February 7th, 2014, 09:59   #4
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As an owner of two cat's, the little guys are practically like family members to me, and seeing the kind of cruel shit that people can do to these innocent animals pisses me off to NO END. Why? Why would someone do something like that? I just don't understand...

Needless to say, I hope they catch the fuckers responsible, lock'em up for a long time and bar them from owning pets forever!
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Old February 7th, 2014, 10:16   #5
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by Desmodus View Post
As an owner of two cat's, the little guys are practically like family members to me, and seeing the kind of cruel shit that people can do to these innocent animals pisses me off to NO END. Why? Why would someone do something like that? I just don't understand...

Needless to say, I hope they catch the fuckers responsible, lock'em up for a long time and bar them from owning pets forever!
I'm with you. They need to stop looking at the victims as animals when rendering court verdicts, and instead focus on the act and intent. See that these senseless, cruel, and abhorrent crimes are punishable for what they are. What would we do if someone did this to a defenseless infant. The animals are nearly as defenseless. Hell, the animal would've been better off out down than tortured, and that is a sad concept.

Donate to your local animal shelter, adopt an animal (only if you have a suitable home), and report cruelty.
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Old February 7th, 2014, 13:25   #6
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Originally Posted by Desmodus View Post
As an owner of two cat's, the little guys are practically like family members to me, and seeing the kind of cruel shit that people can do to these innocent animals pisses me off to NO END. Why? Why would someone do something like that? I just don't understand...

Needless to say, I hope they catch the fuckers responsible, lock'em up for a long time and bar them from owning pets forever!
Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Yeah, animal cruelty is making a comeback. People starving their dogs/cats is the new fad going around. In Calgary, they found a two year old husky someone had taped its mouth shut and it slowly starved in an alley way. Alone, tired, in pain. Later they found a cat there as well I believe, same thing. I heard they finally have some suspects though. I hope they get at least a year in prison for every hour those animals suffered like that.
+1 seriously, as a previous pet owner it pains me to see news of animal cruelty...

It's like the poor thing is just trying to live its life. They are innocent, its not like they have done anything wrong and who cares if they ripped out your couch, these pets don't know any better!

I feel like some people really need to take a course before owning a pet, at least to know what they are getting themselves into...
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Old February 7th, 2014, 13:53   #7
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If I found these cunts I'd tie them up and shoot out one of their eyes. Fucking ridiculous.

Same goes for people leaving their pets in vehicles in summer or winter. I personally have broken vehicle windows in parking lots of grocery stores to free animals in oppressive heat and stood there waiting until the owners get back. I had one golden lab with a VERY long and thick coat that I freed and stood with for a fucking hour before the owner got back to the vehicle freaking out. It was 35°C outside with the humidex. This asshole was so belligerent that I called police and subsequently animal control and had them remove the dog from his possession. Not sire if he got charged, but I know that he never got his dog back, thank the lord.

Fact of the matter is there are so many people with animals that should NEVER get the privilege to own so much as a hamster. Anyone who is cruel to animals may as well be being cruel to a child; they are both innocent and in most cases helpless, and if you are cruel in any sense you should go to jail for a very long time for being an inhumane asshole.
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Old February 7th, 2014, 14:50   #8
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Just called the Sarnia District Humane Society myself regarding poor Joe.

He's out of surgery and doing well. I asked about adoption (I have a soft spot for cats, I own three myself) and as there is an investigation going on, blah blah, so they will be rehabilitating the critter and then placing it for adoption. I'm happy to hear from the staff that there have been many concerned pet owners calling wanting to adopt it as well, so hopefully when he is all healed up he will go to a good home.
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Old February 7th, 2014, 14:57   #9
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fuck thats wrong, I have 2 and they're like my children
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Old February 7th, 2014, 15:25   #10
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I'm not too fond of cats, more of a dog guy but this is absolutely sickening. These people need to be found and held accountable for their actions, and I don't mean the "slap on the wrist" our judicial system is so fond of handing out.

Animal abuse is a clear indicator of psychopathic tendencies, small animals today, children & innocent people the next. Harsher punishments are needed to deal with these sorts of people.
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Old February 7th, 2014, 15:39   #11
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I can't open the link. I won't. It makes me sick just thinking of it. I have 2 little pups and they are family. Doesn't matter if it is a dog, cat, rat, bird, whatever.. Cruelty to animals is not acceptable. I got right fuck pissed at a fellow airsofter for shooting at some birds in a tree at a private outdoor game.
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Old February 7th, 2014, 16:37   #12
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I had a dog (passed on) and now have 2 cats I love my animals in everyway (even when they shed fur everywhere) This is just wrong in so many ways, I agree with Zack the fuck who did that should be tied to a pole and have his eyes shot out and left to fucking rot. I'd kill scum bags like the fuck who did that any day for free. What did that poor cat ever do to deserve 17 shots with a pellet gun to the head???????????????
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Old February 7th, 2014, 16:38   #13
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Originally Posted by cetane View Post
I can't open the link. I won't. It makes me sick just thinking of it. I have 2 little pups and they are family. Doesn't matter if it is a dog, cat, rat, bird, whatever.. Cruelty to animals is not acceptable. I got right fuck pissed at a fellow airsofter for shooting at some birds in a tree at a private outdoor game.
I hope you shot the guy shooting at birds at least once
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Old February 7th, 2014, 16:55   #14
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I worked at the Durham Humane Society in oshawa for Ã* bit. Saw some crazy shit come through the door. Growing up i always had pets. I have two cats now that were saved from shelters, they are my family and I love them with everything i am.

Their is no punishment that can make this right. Death is to good for people like that.

Zack... you are a good man. Animals need more people like you looking out for them. Thank you.
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Old February 7th, 2014, 17:05   #15
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Originally Posted by _Whiskey_ View Post
I hope you shot the guy shooting at birds at least once
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