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Can Metal Bodies be imported into Canada from the USA?


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Old May 22nd, 2013, 17:44   #1
Join Date: May 2013
Can Metal Bodies be imported into Canada from the USA?

I've been looking to upgrade my plastic-bodied M16A4 AEG to a metal body, but I haven't had much luck finding an affordable metal body available in Canada. Airsoft Depot doesn't have any in stock (and don't have a firm ETA on them, I've contacted them), and the ~$180 G&P metal bodies currently in-stock from Toronto Airsoft are outside what I'm willing to spend on my AEG.

I've looked to airsoft retailers in the United States, and some of them seem to have good prices on their metal bodies, such as this DBoys metal body from Airsoft Megastore USA:

I know that many here say that anything airsoft-related from the USA would be just as expensive (or more) than a part ordered from within Canada after shipping and import duties, however I feel an inexpensive metal body from the USA would still be cheaper than a ~$180 metal body from Canada after shipping and taxes.

I did some searching on the Internet and on forums here, and from what I've read, AEG metal bodies arriving at the border would be definitely seized by the CBSA, due to reasons such as being considered firearm receivers, the CBSA not being able to confirm their use in an airsoft gun that fires at or above 366 FPS, etc.

I contacted Airsoft Megastore's customer service by e-mail and this was their reply:
Thank you for contacting Airsoft Megastore. I have looked into it, and we will be able to ship a metal body for an AEG to Canada without any issues because they are considered accessories. The CBSA limits what items we may ship to Canada based on their FPS (feet per second) rating, and metal bodies have no such rating.

Hope this helps, if you have any further questions please let me know.
Does anyone here have experience of AEG metal bodies being imported into Canada from the United States?
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 17:51   #2
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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The retailer is wrong.
An aeg metal bodie could easily be confused as a real steel body and will be confiscated at the border.
Order in contry.
How would 120 be cheaper after shipping (say 20 bucks) then tax and duties at the border itll be about the same price.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper

Last edited by Hectic; May 22nd, 2013 at 17:53..
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 18:01   #3
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Wow.... That is blatantly wrong. (Not at Hectic, but the excerpt from the email).

Here's whats up.

Lower Receiver on an AR pattern rifle is a PROHIBITED ITEM (for other guns it can be upper, ie. MP5, basically where the serial number is located on the real steel counterpart). This means that you are PROHIBITED from importing it unless you get a waiver of some sort, or exception (eg. Mil/LE), or have a BFL for props (eg. why the production crew of Stargate can get prohib stuff to use in their TV shows).

Now, with that said, the way ASM worded their email is totally wrong. With the above said, it's technically legal and in a bit of a grey area as far as import goes (under certain circumstances). It could be seized but could also pass through so it's a bit of a crapshoot. For more information I'd suggest getting AV'ed and perusing the info threads in the AV only section as I don't want to have to reinvent the wheel and/or possibly give wrong information.
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 18:07   #4
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Thank you for your replies. Now that I know metal bodies alone are a sketchy topic (and I don't want to get in unnecessary trouble with the law), how about this G&P "ProKit" that Evike USA has?

It basically looks like an AEG without the stock and barrel, and comes with an M120 spring (which theoretically would be in excess of 366 FPS in an assembled AEG), so maybe they won't see it as a potential "real steel" firearm receiver; could there be any chance that this G&P "Pro Kit" could pass the CBSA?

I've sent Evike USA an e-mail about it, but I don't expect a response anytime soon.

Last edited by AR15_AEG; May 22nd, 2013 at 18:16..
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 18:21   #5
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Don't take this to be a yes or no but I could see that prokit being more acceptable for import. I'm not CBSA so I don't know what rules they will play by but it's probably better than just a body.

Also just a note; Evike sucks for shipping because they use UPS but you gotta do what you gotta do right (going via USPS is one of the better shipping methods IMO). You might be able to specify USPS or another method but just be careful about shipping.
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 18:27   #6
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Evike is in the States sooooooo hows ordering a prohibited item from them any different then ordring from AMS. The lower is still prohibited and if the packaging is marked properly you'll probably get a nasty letter from CBSA instead of your body. DO NOT TAKE ANY CHANCES order in Canada or if you see a specific body kit you want use one of the known importers here on ASC. While your at it read the threads of horror stories Evike has caused Canadian customers. Once you factor in shipping and duties and taxes its the same or cheaper to order in Canada unless its hard to come by parts or guns. Also get AV'd a whole world of parts and guns opens up to you and you may just find what your looking for here in Canada easier.
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 18:29   #7
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Don't take this to be a yes or no but I could see that prokit being more acceptable for import. I'm not CBSA so I don't know what rules they will play by but it's probably better than just a body.
Do you think I could contact the CBSA directly ( about that G&P ProKit without falling into potential trouble with the law (ex. them thinking I'm interested in importing prohibited "real steel" firearm components)?

Back in April, I saw this nice $99 out-of-stock metal body on Airsoft Depot ( and contacted the person there in charge about when it would be restocked; they initially gave me an ETA of the end of May, then an ETA of early June when I contacted them a second time, and now no ETA when I contacted them a third time. Perhaps they're having difficulties acquiring AEG metal bodies?

I will look into getting AV'd when I have the time to check it out.

Last edited by AR15_AEG; May 22nd, 2013 at 18:33..
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 20:14   #8
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Originally Posted by AR15_AEG View Post
Do you think I could contact the CBSA directly ( about that G&P ProKit without falling into potential trouble with the law (ex. them thinking I'm interested in importing prohibited "real steel" firearm components)?
Ha. That's a good one. Good luck with that. I don't know if you know how they operate but they'll never put anything down on record or confirm anything for you, it's hard to get a useful reply unless it's already prescribed in the CBSA memos with exact info (eg. how much spirits/beer/cigs you're allowed to bring back, or how much duty free you get for how long you're out of the country, or things like that). In fact, for the longest time (maybe even still) CBSA employees are prohibited from having anything to do with airsoft except in the line of duty (AFAIK they are allowed to play paintball however). Yet there are Mil, RCMP, and other LEO guys who are allowed to play paintball and airsoft (unless there are standing orders to not).
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 20:34   #9
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I generally just stick with ordering from within Canada. Reasons; I don't want to take any chances with seizures, you're not really saving any money as you may or may not be thinking, I don't want to be the guy who gets airsoft banned etc. the list goes on. I recommend just sticking to Canadian ordering. As a once popular shirt stated when I was a kid "Canadians kick ass".
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 20:41   #10
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I just got a reply back from Airsoft GI confirming what everyone except AMS (who was wrong) has said:

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your inquiry. AEG metal bodies alone are not considered compliant with CBSA regulations. I apologize for any inconvenience.

If you have any further questions, or if you’d like to place a phone order, feel free to call me at (909) 869-0671 ext. 128 during regular business hours (9:00am – 5:30pm PST, Monday – Friday), or email me at Thank you.
I'll stick to ordering within Canada for parts like these; hopefully Huang at is able to restock M16/M4 AEG metal bodies at his shop sometime in the near future, because I'd be very interested in placing an order for a reasonably-priced metal body (like the $99 DBoys M4 body). I'm a bit concerned that he might not be able to get them in, as he was unable to provide an ETA the last time I was able to contact him.
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 21:03   #11
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Originally Posted by AR15_AEG View Post
Do you think I could contact the CBSA directly ( about that G&P ProKit without falling into potential trouble with the law (ex. them thinking I'm interested in importing prohibited "real steel" firearm components)?

Back in April, I saw this nice $99 out-of-stock metal body on Airsoft Depot ( and contacted the person there in charge about when it would be restocked; they initially gave me an ETA of the end of May, then an ETA of early June when I contacted them a second time, and now no ETA when I contacted them a third time. Perhaps they're having difficulties acquiring AEG metal bodies?

I will look into getting AV'd when I have the time to check it out.
Retailers have to deal with our customs as well. And our customs can be very unpredictable. Retailers also have to deal with their supplier overseas. Last time I ordered "non restricted" part from overseas it took about a month for HK retailer to receive order from their supplier. Just be patient. AR body is not that uncommon, sooner or later one of incountry retailers will have it.
P.S I know, it sucks when you want a certain part but can't order it, but that's airsoft in Canada for you

Last edited by 666; May 22nd, 2013 at 21:07..
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Old May 22nd, 2013, 22:37   #12
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Get av'd and surf the classifieds. I've sold 2 metal bodies there in the past 2 months. There is a few going there right now.
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Old May 23rd, 2013, 18:33   #13
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Just got a reply back from Evike regarding the G&P Pro Kit (assembled G&P metal body with mechbox, motor, and pistol grip) they have:

Thank you for contacting

I believe we can attempt to ship it to Canada however we cannot say there would be no issues with it. We have found that ultimately it comes down to the customs representative who receives your package.

Please let me know if you require further information.
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Old May 23rd, 2013, 20:35   #14
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Consider the fact that when it comes to airsoft you get what you pay for (for the most part) a 180 dollar GnP body will be much higher quality than the cheaper dboys body. It may cost more but you will be much happier even if the billfold takes a hit. BTW dboys bodies look like shit in my opinion, terrible finish.
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Old May 23rd, 2013, 20:43   #15
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I have 2 points for the OP:

1) Dboys bodies can be trouble. I built a gun for a guy using dboys body and it was HELL!
I had to dremel everything to make things fit. It took hours longer than it should have.

2) I have been importing metal bodies for a while now and just now i got a letter from customs (CBSA) saying they are prohibited and I have lost my latest order.

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