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FMA Mesh Masks, any good?


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Old November 30th, 2012, 08:55   #1
MultipleParadox's Avatar
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Question FMA Mesh Masks, any good?

Hey guys
Most have probably noticed that a new brand of masks made their appearance on most chinese retailers site, FMA. They seem to be made in the same way of these Army of Two masks with the 5 attach points pad in the back, ABS and wire mesh for the eye, but molded to different designs and styles. I think a lot look actually quite nice. And price range from 30 to 50$ depending on the retailer

I was wondering if anyone tried these yet? Considering the price, I was thinking about getting one for the occasional CQB. What do you guys think?
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

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Old December 1st, 2012, 02:43   #2
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Many locations Don't allow mesh masks, obviously for insurance reasons, i have seen a couple of them and they look really nice, however i have heard that field of vision and breathability isn't very good. the onimaru masks seem pretty cool and i believe if you want better protection then mesh and a possibly rated(probably not) lens of protection. can have one custom built for you, i have a friend of mine who had one and did a review in the review forum if you search up onimaru masks.

anyhow, i wouldn't suggest any of these as many aren't rated. if its allowed in the fields of QC, its your personal decision! i wouldn't because of possible BB fragments that can enter int your eyes, also the seal on a lot of these chinese masks around the mesh and the mask may not be of a reliable quality. The onimaru masks may be a better option but may not be rated so use with caution(still not recommended). ( i always suggest all players use ONLY ANSI 87.1 approved goggles that fully seal the eyes, also even higher mil spec ratings that can not only protect from bb's, but shrapnel aswell)

Last edited by sammynac99; December 1st, 2012 at 02:48..
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Old December 1st, 2012, 02:53   #3
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I don't know why ANYONE would wear mesh eye protection. You'd be safer in aviators.

So while I've never even seen the FMA masks, I can tell you they're no good as far as safety goes.
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Old December 1st, 2012, 12:56   #4
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I tried a couple of those 'army of two' masks and I found them uncomfortable. Of course they may be very comfy for another person.

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Old December 1st, 2012, 18:08   #5
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Onimaru, that's the name I was looking for when I mentioned "army of two masks"...!

I'm sure the Onimaru are much better quality in the end, and safer due to no mesh, but their price is a bit more prohibitive. I was thinking that for 30-40$ well, why not. While for 80-100$, well I'll probably just stick with my goggles.

As far as fields and mesh goes, most fields around me allow them; while not majority, a considerable amount of player uses mesh goggle, and more refrain in them because of fear of shrapnels.

As for me, I never used mesh (I feel like I'm going to say something slightly stupid) but I would be willing to "risk" it (yeah, I did say somethin stupid, put like that :P From my still short experience, I found that probability of getting a BB in the eye is already on the low end, at least considering the people around here and my playstyle. And the probablity of one going shrapnel is lowering the odds of injury.

One thing is sure, whatever is not rated I would extensivley test before using in an OP or skirmish.

All that being said, it's good to get a second/third opinion and reality check just like you guys did, so I'll probably reconsider the whole mesh thing again

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old December 2nd, 2012, 03:24   #6
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There's a few videos on youtube that demonstrate the paint on the mesh getting knocked off, and flying into the eye. So even if the BB doesn't shatter, paint chips from the mesh can be propelled into your eye on BB impact.

I know it's up to you if you want to "risk" it, but you should be aware you need to worry about more than just a shattered BB or the mesh itself giving out.
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Old December 2nd, 2012, 21:23   #7
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Didn't think about the paint factor, good to know;
The more I think about it the more I realise it's not worth it anyways

Thanks guys
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old December 2nd, 2012, 22:19   #8
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If you want to try, buy and shoot. It's perforated steel that's painted (Or powder coated?) black. So I stuck it in a cleaned out styrofoam container I and fired some at it from a few feet away with my then-hot gun (450fps w/ .20 BBs). No paint chipped, no BBs chipped (I used colored BBs), no dents. I was happy with that.

I get really bad fogging though. And I always, without exception, carry a full seal, ballistic lens backup. They fog up really quick, but I will always have a backup.
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Old December 2nd, 2012, 22:28   #9
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can always wear safety glasses behind them
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Old December 4th, 2012, 18:41   #10
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Originally Posted by Sumer View Post
I get really bad fogging though. And I always, without exception, carry a full seal, ballistic lens backup. They fog up really quick, but I will always have a backup.
Carrying a backup ballistic lens, but not wearing it, sounds similar to saying "my car has a seatbelt, but I never wear it. But you know, it's there in case I get in a car crash"

I don't want to come in here sounding like some know it all safety jerk, who looks down on people using mesh, but it bothers me a little to see people risking their eyes.

If you have bad fogging issues, ESS has goggles with a fan, and they've worked very well for me. Most decent brand goggles with fans work well, actually. Even when they're pressed up against my helmet, and the helmet is kind of blocking the fan vents.
The fan is also pretty quiet - it sounds loud, pressed against your face, but not only do people around you not hear it, but as soon as you get distracted and stop noticing it, the sound won't come barging back into your consciousness until you sit down in a very quiet area, and wonder "what's that faint humming noise above me?"
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Old December 14th, 2012, 22:56   #11
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Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post
Onimaru, that's the name I was looking for when I mentioned "army of two masks"...!

I'm sure the Onimaru are much better quality in the end, and safer due to no mesh, but their price is a bit more prohibitive. I was thinking that for 30-40$ well, why not. While for 80-100$, well I'll probably just stick with my goggles.

As far as fields and mesh goes, most fields around me allow them; while not majority, a considerable amount of player uses mesh goggle, and more refrain in them because of fear of shrapnels.

As for me, I never used mesh (I feel like I'm going to say something slightly stupid) but I would be willing to "risk" it (yeah, I did say somethin stupid, put like that :P From my still short experience, I found that probability of getting a BB in the eye is already on the low end, at least considering the people around here and my playstyle. And the probablity of one going shrapnel is lowering the odds of injury.

One thing is sure, whatever is not rated I would extensivley test before using in an OP or skirmish.

All that being said, it's good to get a second/third opinion and reality check just like you guys did, so I'll probably reconsider the whole mesh thing again

Thanks for the advert SN99!

When you really get to thinking about it 180 dollars for face protection isnt that bad. THink of it this way:

Revision goggles ~100
Helmet ~50
Mesh Lower ~15

So really your looking at running around 160+ for full face protection. Whereas you can get a custom made mask that completely protects your head, have a custom designed art made by an artist or yourself and have it shipped for $180. The masks themselves are comfortable to wear and available in different sizes if you ask. They are almost on par with revision goggles when it comes to FOV...which most people who don't actually own one of these masks seem to understand. Myself and two others bought these masks and have been gaming them ever since...they get a hell of a lot of compliments that's for sure.

There are mesh eye pieces that you can get as well. But even if its a 1% chance that you could injure yourself...that's a 1% chance to ruin your eyesight for 100% of the rest of your LIFE.

And honestly...what is airsoft if not a big "fashion show for men"?
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Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
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This is one of the funniest things I've read.
Commandment 1 of LMGesus: Fuck getting kills. That's the job of your teammates, otherwise known as the cannon fodder. Your job is to be scary.

Last edited by daishi; December 14th, 2012 at 22:59..
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Old December 15th, 2012, 00:09   #12
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I got one. Like it.

I've yet to read a report on here of a newly blind airsofter. Or anywhere honestly. A few flakes won't blind you. And I fog, I can take the risk of getting some paint in my eye, for being able to see.
Once I see a rash of one eyed airsofters over this. I'll consider not using mesh.
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Old February 14th, 2013, 09:59   #13
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I just got an onimaru mask delivered two days ago. It cost me $150 US. I was hoping it would look just like on the site... That's not the case. Check it out. It's got some diagonal lines across the teeth. There looks like there was some bleeding going on during the painting. Either that or the guy just painted over another mask. I wrote the owner yesterday. No reply yet. Had intended to use this mask for cqb play at the local paintball arena.


At this point I'm regretting my purchase. I'm hoping there's a fix.

Update - February 20th, 2013

I must say the customer service at onimaru is awesome. I submitted my complaint through an email available on the site. A guy by the name of "Dave" got back to me immediately and on viewing the pics he requested, asked that I send the mask back for replacement. I sent it on its way just today. Postage at Canada Post was more than expected. The lowest cost with tracking to Bangkok Thailand was $56. He will be reimbursing me via Paypal for the complete cost, and sending a new mask. Pretty amazing!

Last edited by Spartan_Red; February 20th, 2013 at 23:36.. Reason: Update
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Old March 20th, 2013, 23:22   #14
Delta Zero-Six
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Has anyone tried wearing a slim pair of safety glasses behind a mask like this? I just want something to protect the face. I just am worried about fogging and stuff. Though I'd probably make a few holes in the mask to increase the air circulation. Anyways heres the link to the mask.. Thanks all!
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Old March 21st, 2013, 11:20   #15
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Originally Posted by Delta Zero-Six View Post
Has anyone tried wearing a slim pair of safety glasses behind a mask like this? I just want something to protect the face. I just am worried about fogging and stuff. Though I'd probably make a few holes in the mask to increase the air circulation. Anyways heres the link to the mask.. Thanks all!
You can try, but you'd be better off modding goggles to the outside.
Anything on the inside would be a disaster for fogging.
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