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A+ Studio Hop Up Rubber



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Old August 16th, 2012, 08:03   #16
Warlock's Avatar
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Has someone heard about this ?

A new inner barrel design combined with a firefly nub to creater a perfect flat hop-up setup.
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Old August 16th, 2012, 10:54   #17
Mr. Silencer
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Originally Posted by Warlock View Post
Has someone heard about this ?

A new inner barrel design combined with a firefly nub to creater a perfect flat hop-up setup.
That's basically Ishioka's flat-hop with some trick bits like the bucking nub offset window.

The R-hop is an evolution of that idea.

As for the widebore barrel, the 6.23mm inner barrel is accepted amongst real airsoft precision shooters as jaw-droppingly accurate.

Last edited by Stealth; August 16th, 2012 at 11:00..
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Old August 19th, 2012, 08:35   #18
Mr. Silencer
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I was driving home from a game the other day and was thinking about this thread.

Guess I should explain why the 6.23mm barrels are more accurate than tightbores - while the BB is travelling through the barrel with hop, it is essentially rolling on the top of the hop-up window. So with a larger bore, instead of the BB interacting with the bottom of the barrel during its travel, it has a chance to roll more smoothly, thus generating more consistent hop and decreasing FPS deviation.
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Old August 19th, 2012, 09:10   #19
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Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
I was driving home from a game the other day and was thinking about this thread.

Guess I should explain why the 6.23mm barrels are more accurate than tightbores - while the BB is travelling through the barrel with hop, it is essentially rolling on the top of the hop-up window. So with a larger bore, instead of the BB interacting with the bottom of the barrel during its travel, it has a chance to roll more smoothly, thus generating more consistent hop and decreasing FPS deviation.
Yes in Theory, but looks like every companies have their own thought on this subject because systema came up on their 2012 evolution with a taper inner barrel with 6.03 - 6.05 mm bore, after trying a 6.1 mm. PDI got new barrels 2 years ago with 6.05 and 6.08mm bore size pretending larger bore increases accuraccy. There is some goods reviews already on the Orga Magnus 6.23 inner barrel. I would like to see a good comparison on the best bucking/nub/hop-up/inner barrel combo with clear tests results.
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Old March 13th, 2013, 11:13   #20
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Any more recent reviews of how REAPs has performed?

I just picked one up myself - it will be replacing a prometheus purple and used in conjunction with a prometheus tightbore 6.03mm

Last edited by Rabbit; March 13th, 2013 at 11:17..
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Old March 13th, 2013, 11:57   #21
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I've had issues with it in lower fps KWA guns. Basically at 300 fps in my 1911, usp compact and low power bolt mp9, it won't add hop even on .2s and all the way on. But in my m9 at 350+ it works great.
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Old March 13th, 2013, 15:00   #22
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I use the A+ 60% in my ICS CXP with a Prometheus 6.03 310mm. Excellent range and consistency for such a cheap upgrade. Beats the stock hop rubber by a mile (ok maybe 50ft lol).

TM Glock 17
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Old March 13th, 2013, 15:11   #23
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I find the reaps isn't made of very good material, and when you install it into your barrel it doesn't retain the internal curvature you'd want. I did however get noticeably better results when I paired it with an old SCS I had lying around, because it helped the mound retain a concave curve.

I still get more accuracy out of Prometheus, Guarder and PDI rubbers.
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Old March 13th, 2013, 15:32   #24
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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I'm more so looking to work it for its range improvements - this mornings google searches prove most users get at least another 50ft maxing out at about 200ft +/- maintaining a decent accuracy.
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Old March 13th, 2013, 17:51   #25
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I have REAPS on an MP5K and I'm pretty pleased with it, but in the same time frame I've had a lot of time with R-Hop and Modify's flat-nub bucking. Personally if I'm taking the time, I'd go with R-Hop, and if I'm lazy, Modify's bucking. Modify's solution gets you 9/10ths of the way with 1/10th of the effort.

To summarize, I probably won't buy REAPS again, not because it sucked, but simply because I like Modify's solution better. YMMV especially with regards to the bucking lips and fitment.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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Old March 13th, 2013, 17:56   #26
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I noticed a big change in shot consistancy and groupings after installing a+ rubbers with tightbores in both my WE pdw and g18c. As far as range goes I haven't had a fair enough distance to test out yet, hopefully ill get out this weekend and try them both out.
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Old March 13th, 2013, 19:18   #27
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
I have REAPS on an MP5K and I'm pretty pleased with it, but in the same time frame I've had a lot of time with R-Hop and Modify's flat-nub bucking. Personally if I'm taking the time, I'd go with R-Hop, and if I'm lazy, Modify's bucking. Modify's solution gets you 9/10ths of the way with 1/10th of the effort.

To summarize, I probably won't buy REAPS again, not because it sucked, but simply because I like Modify's solution better. YMMV especially with regards to the bucking lips and fitment.
The Modify Baton Ryusoku? Reaalllly? I'm constantly reading about the hop up, sleeve and nubs and no one really mentions the modify at all.

I picked up an xhightek flat nub from and lonex 50d - figured it would give me the same results as a modify - then the prommy bridge came along and made more sense than the flat nub because of the ridge (more guidence for the bb) and once it didn't fit and I fucked it up cutting it I just lost interest in the whole flat nub concept and went back to the traditional prometheus purple sleeve and nub.

I've read a post about your mp5k and reaps and that's what sparked the interest.
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Old June 18th, 2014, 22:23   #28
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I ve paired the A+ 60d with a modify baton flat nub, in a jg g36c with madbull 6.03 python and it seem very nice. i coul nt get the max range as i did my install test in the night. It looks very promising
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Old June 19th, 2014, 10:16   #29
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Am I the only one who thinks it's snake oil to profess that your hopup will somehow magically make your bb go flatter / further? Consider - once the bb leaves your barrel, with a given velocity and spin, how does the brand / material / shape / price you paid matter to the trajectory? It doesn't - gravity and air resistance take over.

All the effort involved in making a better hopup is be for getting *consistency* so that the same speed, spin, and direction of both, occurs every time. That should theoretically be the goal of picking the best hopup system.

There are a few things that indirectly come from your hopup, like better seal, and repeatable placement of the bb, but those just help make the shot, again, more consistent.

The phrase "a more thorough backspin" seems just odd - we're now making up adjectives that muddy the discussion. I want the same velocity & spin at each shot, that's consistency nothing more.

The RHop seems to be improving accuracy for a lot of people - my take is that longer contact with the patch gets better consistency of spin vs the brief time of contact from a short nub. So you can dial in the best spin for the longest possible trajectory and get that pretty much every time.

But does X revs/second spin from your hopup go further than x revs/second spin from mine? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
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Old June 19th, 2014, 10:26   #30
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as I see it,
better air seal->more power->more spins->more distance on a straight path-> more range / better accuracy at same range
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