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Got scammed by


Retailer Resolution Center

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Old February 17th, 2013, 00:16   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Trade Rating: 0
Got scammed by

Hey all.

I think my first attempt at warning people was misunderstood so I'll try again.

I purchased a pistole from, but never received it. Two and a half months have passed, and they won't even answer my emails.

As far as I knew, it seemed to be a legit online store. Time passed and I never got anything from them, not even a tracking number. I tried numerous times to contact them through their website messaging system, which is the only way to contact them there, and I never got a response. I then found them on Facebook, so I contacted them there. The only response I got was through Facebook, and the answer was to contact them through eBay. So I found out they were also on ebay, so I contacted them there numerous times, to no avail. They will not answer. Of course, they had no trouble taking my payment though. I am starting to believe they are thieves. Irregardless, I obviously do not recommended buying from
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Old February 17th, 2013, 00:41   #2
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Montreal, QC
Trade Rating: 148
1) is not a retailer on ASC, so we nothing can be done for resolution;

2) is not a Canadian retailer; they appear to be in Hong Kong based on their shipping info;

3) Their Shipping & Handling section explicitly states:

We can ship items to anywhere around the world but there is no guarantee for the delivery and any confiscation and seizure by the customs. However, it is known that the following countries do not welcome airsoft guns to be imported:

Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.
4) You should do your homework about importing guns into Canada: very few pistols can be imported by individuals as they don't meet the legal requirements.
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