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Old September 11th, 2012, 19:07   #16
Duckman's Avatar
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if you're only getting one then go with what fits well in your hand, you can get a fast and easy site picture and that you enjoy shooting.
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Old September 11th, 2012, 20:19   #17
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when i was looking for a side-arm, I found the best thing was to go to a couple of games and talk to the players,tell them you are looking to buy a side-arm ask the people there if it was okay to try(hold) theirs. It shouldn't be a problem,we airsofters love to show off our stuff.After that it all boils down to what feels good in your hand.
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Old September 11th, 2012, 22:43   #18
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I agree with Ricochet's list except for KJW. While they are TM clones they are generally workhorses you can throw lots of abuse at. I've owned several and they all shot nicely and I never had to worry about damaging them. KWA's are nice and have lots of models available. TM is the best and has the most aftermarket parts available, I upgraded to an Illusion built TM Hi-Capa 5.1 and am in absolute love with it. It's my cuddle partner in the field lol, and almost more accurate than my rifle (scary I know).

So good buys:

Skeleton Sidearms

Edit: Can't speak for KSC or WA, never owned or fired one but from what I hear KSC is solid too.
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Old September 11th, 2012, 22:59   #19
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Originally Posted by Rommen View Post
I agree with Ricochet's list except for KJW. While they are TM clones they are generally workhorses you can throw lots of abuse at. I've owned several and they all shot nicely and I never had to worry about damaging them.
While my experience is extremely limited to the one KJW M9 that i've had tucked into my holster in the past year - I also agree that KJW appears to be reasonable bang for the buck, for what you get. The mags need lubrication and maintenance, as any GBB system will, and the slide assembly will like being lubed up on occasion.. but in the end, for what i paid for mine, and it's overall reliability, i have no complaints for my KJW.

WE pistols on the other hand - I've heard plenty of horror stories about them, in the past year.
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Old September 11th, 2012, 23:26   #20
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Originally Posted by HackD View Post
While my experience is extremely limited to the one KJW M9 that i've had tucked into my holster in the past year - I also agree that KJW appears to be reasonable bang for the buck, for what you get. The mags need lubrication and maintenance, as any GBB system will, and the slide assembly will like being lubed up on occasion.. but in the end, for what i paid for mine, and it's overall reliability, i have no complaints for my KJW.

WE pistols on the other hand - I've heard plenty of horror stories about them, in the past year.
ive had the exact opposite experience from you guys, my WE was actually one of my favorite guns ( WE MEU ) and held up to a stupid amount of abuse where as my kjw broke in under 15 shots. recent WE's are not that bad of a buy from what ive heard and their rifles are pretty good as well. KJW ive seen on both sides of the debate as well which keeps both brands in the "Avoid/take your chances" list for me
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...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old September 12th, 2012, 00:17   #21
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Originally Posted by skalnok View Post
ive had the exact opposite experience from you guys, my WE was actually one of my favorite guns ( WE MEU ) and held up to a stupid amount of abuse where as my kjw broke in under 15 shots. recent WE's are not that bad of a buy from what ive heard and their rifles are pretty good as well. KJW ive seen on both sides of the debate as well which keeps both brands in the "Avoid/take your chances" list for me
+1 im tired of the WE bashing ive had my WE 3.8 highcappa for 5 years must have put 250,000 rnds through it not lying either i put at least a mag through it every night as tension relief. its still bone stock not one part cracked or replaced. Yeah sure now it has a rattle too it but its still a powerhouse and is 100% reliable. i have retired this gun only because i wanted to try something new. The Gen2 KWA ATP that i replaced it with is another good choice.

Remember guys every brand has had a run of shitty guns or so called lemons hell even systema has its issues no reason to condem WE to the Cybergun level.

To the OP: whatever you like go with its totaly up to you.

Last edited by Spawn28; September 12th, 2012 at 00:24..
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Old September 12th, 2012, 00:20   #22
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Find the coolest looking pistol. Pick it up. Do you like how it feels in your hand? Is it from a well known and reputable company like TM, KWA/KSC, and to a lesser extend WE? Do you like the way it shoots? If yes then there's your sidearm!

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Old September 12th, 2012, 00:24   #23
Mr. inked
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right now im loving my kjw meu 1911 some people say its not the best but have had nothing go wrong with it other then the mag needed a little tightening thats it single stack mags seem to be its only con ive seen so far
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Old September 12th, 2012, 01:03   #24
Green Synergy
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
+1 im tired of the WE bashing ive had my WE 3.8 highcappa for 5 years must have put 250,000 rnds through it not lying either i put at least a mag through it every night as tension relief. its still bone stock not one part cracked or replaced. Yeah sure now it has a rattle too it but its still a powerhouse and is 100% reliable. i have retired this gun only because i wanted to try something new. The Gen2 KWA ATP that i replaced it with is another good choice.

Remember guys every brand has had a run of shitty guns or so called lemons hell even systema has its issues no reason to condem WE to the Cybergun level.

To the OP: whatever you like go with its totaly up to you.
Once I got rid of the plastic frame, the WE was good to go. Otherwise, the Cansoft ones self destruct after a couple of months.
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