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Onimaru Full Face Mask



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Old April 22nd, 2012, 14:20   #1
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Onimaru Full Face Mask

Hello all,

Ive finally gotten a chance to try out my new Onimaru Mask and decided to write a review. When I originally asked about this mask on the forums alot of people had negative things to say about it...and they where all proven wrong (I don't think many of them actually owned an Onimaru brand mask tbh).

Onimaru has been making masks since ~2010 based out of Thailand. Originally they hand made their masks but have recently upgraded to a machine for better quality control. Each mask is made of a strong fiberglass material and is very lightweight.

The mask is fully adjustable, and attached to the wearers head via 6 clip on straps in the back (see attached pictures). Padding inside is plenty, and keeps it from moving around or being uncomfortable. You can easily wear this for hours (or for a long poker game! True story...). Ventilation is only through the bottom of the mask but there is enough space to place your hand between the mask and your hand. You can ask the owner to drill holes in the mask and cover it with mesh for more air circulation.

Custom ordering a mask usually takes about 2-4 weeks, and you have to supply Dave (the owner) with pictures and directions of what you want. He will then do concept sketches and get back to you with them until its how you want it. You can have anything you want drawn, and lenses come in clear, tinted, green and mesh (any colour).

As for vision and being able to cheek weld, I found no problems. The indentation on the mask (you might not be able to tell in the pictures) allows you to have a sufficient cheek weld to look down a red dot or holographic. You may have to adjust it slightly, but that's the price for an awesome mask. Your field of view is not terribly limited. Everyone was saying its like taking two toilet paper rolls and putting it over your eyes....Not at all. Lets just say you can see everything in about a 180-170 degree arc in front of you normally. With the mask on you only lose about 5-10% of your total peripheral vision. Its not very noticeable at all.

Protection wise its great. The lenses are rated to withstand up to 500 fps. I tested it with both my 350 fps rifle and my 458 fps revolver from distances ranging from 30 feet to pointblank. The lenses didn't even get dented. They are secured by 5 metal screws so you can replace lenses if they ever get chipped or broken. Replacement lenses are 5 dollars and with shipping they cost 10 dollars (lens price (5.00) * amount of lens sets +5 dollars shipping). Aka If I wanted 3 lens sets it would be 20 bucks. The mask is large enough that it does completely cover your ear. Thje back of your head is exposed...but if you get shot in the back of your head, your either doing it wrong, or someone is an asshole There are many videos up on youtube about this mask that you can view, I also noticed a paintball test of this mask... idiot was using a heavy weighted powder paintball. This mask is NOT for paintball, it is for airsoft use only. Only problem with this mask for protection is when you get shot in the will know. Its a very loud snap in your ear :3

The only downside to the mask is if you have a "large" head. My roommate can fit into it no problems, and so can I and we are both average builds...he is slightly bigger. My neighbor on the other hand is a rather robust person and it was to tight for his cheekbones. If you are fit person you will have no problems fitting the mask, but if you need to work of some weight... I would contact the owner and see if he can make your mask bigger.

Fogtech is recommended for this mask. When you start breathing heavily you may or may not fog the lenses. The fog dissipates rather quickly, but if you get fogtech applied to them, there is absolutely no fogging. I swear by fogtech for all my eye protection.

Overall, this mask is great. It looks awesome and you can actually game in it. You hardly lose any vision, and you can cheek weld! My custom mask came to $130 dollars and I got express shipping so in total it came to $180 and I got it in 9 days.

Sorry for the quality of the last picture, as you can tell im using my phone for everything

You can get in touch with Onimaru masks by going to their website or by emailing him directly at
Attached Images
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Last edited by daishi; April 22nd, 2012 at 15:01..
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 09:16   #2
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Wow some of the ones on their website are bad ass.. I would get one but most places wont allow you to wear them.

This one I love...
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Old September 12th, 2012, 13:37   #3
Zack The Ripper
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Do you ever have issues with aiming? I find that the largest issue with full facemarks.
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Old September 12th, 2012, 13:43   #4
Mr. Silencer
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Have you actually played a game with it?
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Old September 12th, 2012, 14:38   #5
Brian McIlmoyle
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funny how it's always the guy standing in the 10% you can't see that shoots your ass.

These masks hit the scene a few years ago.. lots of guys got them because of their "badassery" and most of them are gathering dust in a closet or relegated to shelfware or walhanger status and those guys have moved on to more practical protection.
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Old September 12th, 2012, 15:53   #6
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
funny how it's always the guy standing in the 10% you can't see that shoots your ass.

These masks hit the scene a few years ago.. lots of guys got them because of their "badassery" and most of them are gathering dust in a closet or relegated to shelfware or walhanger status and those guys have moved on to more practical protection.

I own one of these masks and I have to say that the visibility on them is actually larger if not about the same as the locust style revision goggles. Also add into account actual full head protection. the 10% visibility loss criticism is something people are exaggerating and likely comes from people who don't use the mask. These masks are great for cqb. My only downside after having gamed with it is fogging. Because of this, I would not recommend it to people with poor cardio and for lengthy outdoor games. Otherwise, the mask is fantastic.

The price may be considered steep at first, but not when you factor in how much it would cost to have equal protection. Goggles (Of high quality, if you like seeing), a helmet and some sort of mouth and ear protection would easily cost you more if you're thinking about that as an alternative.

The cheek area is cut finely so that it does not interfere with aiming. There are some exceptions to this; I use a UTG solid stock shotgun and the sights have very little rise from the stock so I have to adjust slightly when bringing the gun to my cheek to align both sights, but this is more due to the gun and not the mask. All other AEGs that I have tried work flawlessly both with optics and iron sights.

Ultimately I think it comes down to player preference. Some people prefer to have that military helmet goggle look with a mesh guard, but this is another alternative.
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Old September 12th, 2012, 16:07   #7
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As the previous poster said, these mask are great for cqb.

Personally tried it at an outdoor game, and would rather a helmet and goggle set up, due to not being able to remove the mask to eat.

For indoor games tho, these are great performers. There are no issues with aiming or loosing sight that many full face masks are plagued with. These are custom mask DESIGNED for optimal view which is better then quite a few goggle's that I have tried personally. Of course there will always be critics, but these masks work. Its a simple as that.
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Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
Originally Posted by Latvian291 View Post
This is one of the funniest things I've read.
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Old September 13th, 2012, 01:28   #8
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Did not like at all, bought one, tried it out and nope.

Someone on these forums summed it up perfectly. "its like trying to play a game looking through 2 toilet paper rolls" or something to that extent.

For cqb, I could possibly see how it might be ok as you usually dont need great peripheral vision as your usually surrounded by walls.

To me it was like trying to play with a halloween mask on, I was tripping over shit, and my view was very boxed in.

These are better
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Old September 13th, 2012, 02:24   #9
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These work great for blocking punches on halloween pub crawls.

.....or so I've been told
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Old September 13th, 2012, 02:42   #10
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i want the stark pro...
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