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Old January 19th, 2012, 09:23   #1
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: surrey BC
need some help

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I was wondering whether Canadian/American troops have specific types of snowshoes issued to them, or personal preference, I do understand that not many forces actually "need" snowshoes, but its something that has been bugging me lately, I've seen pics of SEALs using MSR type snowshoes, but the quality of the pics where not the best.

We Canadians dont use those big old wooden ones do we :P lol

any help would be great and again sorry if this is posted in the wrong section...

btw pics would help if you have them, even if you have no info on the pics.

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Old January 19th, 2012, 10:14   #2
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For Canadians, snowshoes are issued. Forgot the brand though.
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Old January 19th, 2012, 10:48   #3
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i remember hearing that they are issued GV Snowshoes, but i cant confirm or deny that piece of intel.

and the more i search, the more i notice that atleast the American SOF, are using polymer snowshoes, most in the MSR style...
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Old January 19th, 2012, 12:27   #4
google search for "canadian forces snow shoes"

these were the top hits.

Valcartier, Quebec — Canadian soldiers will soon be strapping on a new high-tech snowshoe designed specifically for them. The manufacturer, GV Snowshoes, is located on the Wendake Huron reserve a few kilometres from CFB Valcartier.

Nowadays (2004), the Canadian Forces still use snowshoes as basic military equipment for all soldiers. On the other hand, these are no longer made of ash and leather straps, but of a magnesium frame, aluminium studs, a rigid pivot, a sieve in steel wires and a nylon harness.

GV Snowshoes is the proud supplier to the Canadian Forces.
K-9, you could have easily found this, and lots of other links and pictures if you bothered to put a little effort into this. You heard GV snoeshoes were issued, so why not google that to find a source confirming?
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Old January 19th, 2012, 13:53   #5
You can find the old ones all over the place...and they suck massive belt-fed cock. Better than sludging I suppose, but jesus they were a pain in the ass...
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Old January 19th, 2012, 16:21   #6
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
You can find the old ones all over the place...and they suck massive belt-fed cock. Better than sludging I suppose, but jesus they were a pain in the ass...
+1. Try pepper potting in them...whiskey tango foxtrot. Mixed with the mukluks, its one set of kit that keeps the MIR busy.

On topic, why do you want to know? Are you going to buy some for an impression or do you plan on doing some snow shoeing? Anything in the army is basic issue unless you're in a unit with specific sections of troops for snow operations/mountaineering etc. So if you're not an elite navy seal delta force JTF2 scout sniper...then you get general issue snow shoes.

P.S. Don't go wasting money on the CF snow shoes. There are many other and better brands to choose from. Do some research on it.
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Old January 19th, 2012, 16:35   #7
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@ Skeletor, i did do a fair bit of searching ahead of time, i was just hoping to get some first hand answers here, while searching i wasnt able to find the first link you posted but the second one did come up... certain things change and some websites arent always reliable, so i decided better to double and triple check before i let everything save in my brain :P

@NovaKayne, no i dont plan on an impression, as its just a waste of money imo, and more weight to my loadout. I just wanted to know because i was having a discusion on this topic with a few people and it just stuck in my mind, I do snowshoe as it is, and no, no surplus snowshoes for me..

the biggest reason i asked this question was because while doing research i saw a pic of a canadian soldier with the oldschool snowshoes, and then the soldier right next to him had newer ones, the same style offered by GV (cant remember the exact model), and it got my brain working lol

but i did get everything i was looking for, thank you all VERY much, and i am sorry for wasting your time...and i'll try to broaden my searches next time (thanks Skeletor)
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Old January 21st, 2012, 18:33   #8
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Originally Posted by NovaKaynE View Post
+1. Try pepper potting in them...whiskey tango foxtrot. Mixed with the mukluks, its one set of kit that keeps the MIR busy.

On topic, why do you want to know? Are you going to buy some for an impression or do you plan on doing some snow shoeing? Anything in the army is basic issue unless you're in a unit with specific sections of troops for snow operations/mountaineering etc. So if you're not an elite navy seal delta force JTF2 scout sniper...then you get general issue snow shoes.

P.S. Don't go wasting money on the CF snow shoes. There are many other and better brands to choose from. Do some research on it.
+2 on this. I was issued the new pair, but tried out my buddies today we had relay races pulling toboggans to see who was the fastest obviously. I damn near broke both my ankles on several occasions with the old ones.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 20:07   #9
I spent more time on my fucking face trying to get back up again without using my rifle as a walking stick or losing it in 4 feet of snow in the process. The only thing I miss less about the army is...well, the army.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 20:17   #10
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US Marines use MSR Denali showshoes.

I own a pair, they're decent.
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Old January 22nd, 2012, 17:28   #11
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
I spent more time on my fucking face trying to get back up again without using my rifle as a walking stick or losing it in 4 feet of snow in the process. The only thing I miss less about the army is...well, the army.
I know exactly how you feel. If you have the old ones and your pulling the toboggan (Second man, closest to the toboggan) 1 of 2 things or both always happen I find. 1, the tobogan slides over the ends and you faceplant, or if the guy in front has the old ones on your constantly trying not to walk on his to prevent him from faceplanting. Said I "forgot" mine today and just wore mukluks...much easier time getting around.

And just a note, I don't know why so many people are interested in getting Canadian kit, the large majority of it is garbage or at least imo it is. Besides our pattern (which I'd rather in an ACU cut which we'll get whenever the hell the ICU comes out) everything is by far sub par and more than likely designed by some idiot who has never been in the field before

Last edited by Silverback93; January 22nd, 2012 at 17:30..
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