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Beware of manchovie!!!



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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:13   #16
Suburban Gun Runner
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
alright awesome the first replies obviously have to be from his freinds to back him up. Im not new to this site or airsoft actually, i just dont live for airsoft like u all do, its a hobby and when i put alot of money into it i expect good results. When i message someone to put in a few basic parts in a reasonable period of time, thats what i expect. Why should i trust someone i dont know with over a thousand dollars worth of product when i get no replies and a bunch of lies and excuses. There wouldnt have been any constant messaging if he did what he said he was going to do.
You guys probably quit after the first paragraph. He didnt do anything he said he would and gave us A BROKEN GUN after 2 months then denied it being broken. Oh and this guy defenitly didnt have ALOT of work to do AMOS cus he said it himself he spent all of his "free time" on our guns. He told me it took him 8 hours to do everything. Thats like half an hour a day, and i had to pay him 140 fucking dollars for it.
Why dont you read the post first before u all act like know-it-all cunts who back up their boyfriend.

Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. But please realize that ASC is a community, and if you would like to be a part of it insulting others isnt the way to go. After burning those bridges as you just did I hope you realize that you are in for a rough time to be welcome at any events...

I suggest you apologize for the insults and just stop while you are ahead. I do no forsee good thing coming from this thread for you.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:17   #17
White_knight's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
You guys probably quit after the first paragraph. He didnt do anything he said he would and gave us A BROKEN GUN after 2 months then denied it being broken. Oh and this guy defenitly didnt have ALOT of work to do AMOS cus he said it himself he spent all of his "free time" on our guns. He told me it took him 8 hours to do everything. Thats like half an hour a day, and i had to pay him 140 fucking dollars for it.
Why dont you read the post first before u all act like know-it-all cunts who back up their boyfriend.
i read ALL of your post, and i have never met or delt with your gun doc. im not his friend nor do i even KNOW him other then seeing his posts on the forum, and trust me its you that comes off as the cunt. you come here bitching that someone didnt fix your toy quickly enough when you harrased him 24 hours a day, every day then call us cunts for not agreeing with you?

take a step back and get your head out of your ass
Burnaby / Vancouver area Age verifier

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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:19   #18
terrorist one
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Im not new to this site or airsoft actually, i just dont live for airsoft like u all do, its a hobby and when i put alot of money into it i expect good results.
I dont live for airsoft, airsoft lives for me.

You should chill bro, you are making a ass of your self. A good attitude will go a long way on theses boards. Think of it this way. They do it because they care for you, you need to know theses trues about this community. Best of luck thought.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:20   #19
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Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
i read ALL of your post, and i have never met or delt with your gun doc. im not his friend nor do i even KNOW him other then seeing his posts on the forum, and trust me its you that comes off as the cunt. you come here bitching that someone didnt fix your toy quickly enough when you harrased him 24 hours a day, every day then call us cunts for not agreeing with you?

take a step back and get your head out of your ass
+1. I've never even met the guy. Could be a sheep typing away at a computer for all I know. The point is, up until your second post, you had some respected members of the community being VERY generous to you, despite your poor treatment of others. It'll do you no good to disrespect some more people simply for telling you to calm down. Seriously, be calm and civil, and things will work themselves out.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:20   #20
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
alright awesome the first replies obviously have to be from his freinds to back him up. Im not new to this site or airsoft actually, i just dont live for airsoft like u all do, its a hobby and when i put alot of money into it i expect good results. When i message someone to put in a few basic parts in a reasonable period of time, thats what i expect. Why should i trust someone i dont know with over a thousand dollars worth of product when i get no replies and a bunch of lies and excuses. There wouldnt have been any constant messaging if he did what he said he was going to do.
You guys probably quit after the first paragraph. He didnt do anything he said he would and gave us A BROKEN GUN after 2 months then denied it being broken. Oh and this guy defenitly didnt have ALOT of work to do AMOS cus he said it himself he spent all of his "free time" on our guns. He told me ittook him 8 hours to do everything. Thats like half an hour a day, and i had to pay him 140 fucking dollars for it.
Why dont you read the post first before u all act like know-it-all cunts who back up their boyfriend.

Then you should've bought a quality gun, if you spend alot.
Not only that, you mention it's a hobby.
A hobby is where you're supposed to learn to do this shit on your own.
Ex. Opening up a gearbox, and learning how to put it back together.

You wouldn't need to spend $140 if you learned how to do this on your own.
You wouldn't need to spend $140 if you bought a quality gun.
Lastly, you wouldn't get bashed on, and have a shit gun if you didn't behave like a child insulting someone.

If you had a problem, go to his house and show him in person.
Since you have the balls to show everyone how you are on this thread, why don't you tell him in person?

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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:22   #21
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
alright awesome the first replies obviously have to be from his freinds to back him up. Im not new to this site or airsoft actually, i just dont live for airsoft like u all do, its a hobby and when i put alot of money into it i expect good results. When i message someone to put in a few basic parts in a reasonable period of time, thats what i expect. Why should i trust someone i dont know with over a thousand dollars worth of product when i get no replies and a bunch of lies and excuses. There wouldnt have been any constant messaging if he did what he said he was going to do.
You guys probably quit after the first paragraph. He didnt do anything he said he would and gave us A BROKEN GUN after 2 months then denied it being broken. Oh and this guy defenitly didnt have ALOT of work to do AMOS cus he said it himself he spent all of his "free time" on our guns. He told me it took him 8 hours to do everything. Thats like half an hour a day, and i had to pay him 140 fucking dollars for it.
Why dont you read the post first before u all act like know-it-all cunts who back up their boyfriend.
Lol. This may be the first thread where the person who's bringing up the "beware of ___" gets banned instead of the "offending" party.

Re-read what I said. When you're able to handle a problem with a cool head and in a respectful manner... You'll get MUCH farther.

Do you honestly think that people have time to work on things every day?

When you build an airsoft gun, MOST people will try to do it all in one sitting... That means you've got to find a time where you've got quite a few hours of nothing coming up... For most people, finding a block of 5+ hours of free time isn't an easy task.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:25   #22
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
alright awesome the first replies obviously have to be from his freinds to back him up. Im not new to this site or airsoft actually, i just dont live for airsoft like u all do, its a hobby and when i put alot of money into it i expect good results. When i message someone to put in a few basic parts in a reasonable period of time, thats what i expect. Why should i trust someone i dont know with over a thousand dollars worth of product when i get no replies and a bunch of lies and excuses. There wouldnt have been any constant messaging if he did what he said he was going to do.
You guys probably quit after the first paragraph. He didnt do anything he said he would and gave us A BROKEN GUN after 2 months then denied it being broken. Oh and this guy defenitly didnt have ALOT of work to do AMOS cus he said it himself he spent all of his "free time" on our guns. He told me it took him 8 hours to do everything. Thats like half an hour a day, and i had to pay him 140 fucking dollars for it.
Why dont you read the post first before u all act like know-it-all cunts who back up their boyfriend.
$140 in labour is a fucking deal, if you hate to pay the gundocs for their time then learn to do the shit yourself as far as calling us know it all cunts backing up their boyfriend... who the fuck are you?? Some of us have trusted Bartek to leave our broken AEG with him way before your time and we are not talking about some cheap ass clone either. As far as his rep as a gundoc, there are a few here in ASC that I trust to serviced my AEG/GBB/GBBR and he is one of them, I'm willing to bet you the shit I gave to some of these gundocs to fix is far worse that what most of the members here have seen and you know what?? all of them came back with no issue, as for $140 for two guns....shit I'll gladly pay twice that to avoid the headache fixing the shit myself. Sounds like you need a big dose of man the fuck up. keep in mind that these gundocs DO have jobs outside these boards and they DO have other priorities other than getting Bdot guns fixed so he can go on his vacations.

Last edited by wildcard; January 4th, 2012 at 00:30..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:25   #23
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
alright awesome the first replies obviously have to be from his freinds to back him up.
Why dont you read the post first before u all act like know-it-all cunts who back up their boyfriend.
I don't even know manchovie. I know the sorts of people know him and can easily say they wouldn't if he tried any bullshit.

You, on the other hand... You sound like a child.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:26   #24
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Ill be waiting here patiently for more of your fruity bullshit excuses BARTEK, LMAO!!!! Hope u never get a customer again.
I've known Manchovie for years, he's an excellent gun tech, full stop.

it is people like you who drive gun techs out of the business.

Most only do work for people they know, because you never know if your next client will be like you are.

$140 for 8 hours skilled labour? really.. he undercharged you by 70%

This is also why most gun techs give it up... most people won't pay a fair rate for the work.

Standard rate for this kind of work should be $50 to look at the gun, $40 An hour for labour + parts.

I expect Manchovie feels worse about this than you do... you're pissed, he did not get paid enough to deal with your behavior.. and all this is getting aired out in public.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:29   #25
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Lol. This may be the first thread where the person who's bringing up the "beware of ___" gets banned instead of the "offending" party.

Re-read what I said. When you're able to handle a problem with a cool head and in a respectful manner... You'll get MUCH farther.

Do you honestly think that people have time to work on things every day?

When you build an airsoft gun, MOST people will try to do it all in one sitting... That means you've got to find a time where you've got quite a few hours of nothing coming up... For most people, finding a block of 5+ hours of free time isn't an easy task.
next time youtube and google will be your friend, if you call this a hobby treat it like one, not some entitled brat. sit down open it up and learn. then if your actually stuck. call up a doc. a barrel hop up unit and spring isnt exactly brain surgery
Burnaby / Vancouver area Age verifier

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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:29   #26
Captain Sunshine
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
bitch bitch bitch moan whine whine...

Two days later he tells us the silencer isnt going to work on the mp5 and he hasnt worked on any internals because supposedly it takes “forever” to disassemble these guns.

more bitching, more moaning, gimme gimme gimme....
Have you tried taking apart an mp5? pain in the ass, the amount of times you gotta take it apart and put it together just to fine tune it properly.

The rest of your rant, pointless. You're just some bratty kid who wants the world without earning it.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:31   #27
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Hey, I got a question, did you pay up front for any of the parts for his work, or did he front you a lot of money?

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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:34   #28
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both the OP and ASC member's responses are kind of narrow minded and block headed. The OP did say that Manchovie voluntarily called the OP to reimburse some fees because Manchovie himself admitted of some mistakes. It would be good to hear his side of the story as well, rather than just "I know the guy, didn't read your post but you're shit wrong."

OP needs to calmn down too.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:36   #29
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Just cus im not age verified u think im some kid? Age verification is gona make me a better customer, airsoft player, why does that matter? I paid him a shit load of money for basically very little work. Just cus hes respected on here doesnt make him exempt from giving someone bad service. Oh i only insulted him as much as he insulted me. I acted completely reasonable with him until i got the guns back and found out they were BROKEN!! Like i said i went to TORONTO AIRSOFT to fix it and told them the whole situation. They are located right down the street from his house and for some reason nobody there heard of him other than the doc who fixed my gun and all he said was the guys good with pistols. After hearing the WHOLE story they all expressed my anger and distress towrads this.
Why dont you all start reading again from the 4th last paragraph since most of u probably didnt bother reading any of it. But ofcourse take his side cus u know him and not me. Where do u all get off saying i shouldnt be contacting him asking for updates? If it takes a month for him to finally order parts and start working on them i have more than enough reason to contact him until he shows me something productive. I didnt get a word from him for weeks straight after he tells me again and again hes going to finally look at them, hes finally ordering the parts, hes finally going to put them together the night before i need to come pick them up. Sure he has a life outside airsoft, but after a month you would think he would find some time.

Please people all your replies are im good friends with him hes done a great job on my gun, well this isnt your gun or your situation so if your just gona post bs about your experience with him gtfo of this thread.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:41   #30
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Now you're the one not reading. Half of us have told you we don't know him. Perhaps you misunderstand. A month is actually NOT a long time for a gun to be shelved at a gun doctor's. That's fairly average, if not a small period of time with some of the busier ones. If you keep that in mind, does it still seem unreasonable for him to be taking a month to deal with your stuff? Just calm down a little, and try and understand the reasoning we're trying to impart on you. If you're being as fair as can claim to be, surely you're able to ignore the posters you presume to not be contributing to a constructive discussion of the matter?

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Just cus im not age verified u think im some kid? Age verification is gona make me a better customer, airsoft player, why does that matter? I paid him a shit load of money for basically very little work. Just cus hes respected on here doesnt make him exempt from giving someone bad service. Oh i only insulted him as much as he insulted me. I acted completely reasonable with him until i got the guns back and found out they were BROKEN!! Like i said i went to TORONTO AIRSOFT to fix it and told them the whole situation. They are located right down the street from his house and for some reason nobody there heard of him other than the doc who fixed my gun and all he said was the guys good with pistols. After hearing the WHOLE story they all expressed my anger and distress towrads this.
Why dont you all start reading again from the 4th last paragraph since most of u probably didnt bother reading any of it. But ofcourse take his side cus u know him and not me. Where do u all get off saying i shouldnt be contacting him asking for updates? If it takes a month for him to finally order parts and start working on them i have more than enough reason to contact him until he shows me something productive. I didnt get a word from him for weeks straight after he tells me again and again hes going to finally look at them, hes finally ordering the parts, hes finally going to put them together the night before i need to come pick them up. Sure he has a life outside airsoft, but after a month you would think he would find some time.

Please people all your replies are im good friends with him hes done a great job on my gun, well this isnt your gun or your situation so if your just gona post bs about your experience with him gtfo of this thread.
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