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bdu color ?


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Old June 24th, 2011, 13:42   #1
jflecool2's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2007
bdu color ?

im starting Airsoft and now i need a bdu.
The big majority of airsoft game use bdu color/pattern as team.

My question: should i take a particuliar color for being ok to play in any game ?
I'm on Facebook.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 14:32   #2
DJBackfire's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Yes usually the sides are based on the main color of the bdu, so example Woodland is green based so it would be on the green team. In saying this you could pick whatever camo you wanted and you would be able to play in any game
"Whatever tickles your pickle"
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Old June 24th, 2011, 16:42   #3
Nielsen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jflecool2 View Post
im starting Airsoft and now i need a bdu.
The big majority of airsoft game use bdu color/pattern as team.

My question: should i take a particuliar color for being ok to play in any game ?
Yea, just get what YOU like, if the games you play are anything like how we run it at our field, they'll fit you in with the appropriate team.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 16:53   #4
Drake's Avatar
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Location: Montreal, QC
Règle générale, au Québec, Ã* moins d'être au Pit Ã* Rawdon ou de jouer principalement Ã* l'intérieur t'es mieux de prendre de quoi de vert vue que tu vas être dans le bois: si tu veux absolument prendre une couleur désert, prend sois du MarPat Désert, Desert Tiger Stripe ou Multicam vu que ces patterns vont maintenir un degré d'efficassité dans la forêt.

Certaines games extérieurs sont départies Digital vs. Analogue justement pcq les couleurs désert sont trop désanvantagés dans le bois.

Fait le tour un peux des games annoncées dans la section Québec et check ce qui se passe dans ton coin (pas sur d'où tu viens); regarde comment les équipes sont splittés au niveau BDU, ça va te donné une idée.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 21:10   #5
Join Date: Jun 2011
You should find out which field you go to most often, take a picture of it if you can, and go look up some camo schemes that have similar colors.

CADPAT (Canadian Digital Pattern) is what the Canadian forces use because its based for wooded areas, and the reason why its digital rather than blotch is because (from what I hear), they took hundreds of pictures of tree's and forests, put it into a computer, and it comes out with a general pattern.

If you are playing indoors, check the lighting because you may want to vary the brightness of your BDUs. If the indoor field has generally low level lighting, get something darker and stick to the shadows. Otherwise get something brighter which, again, matches the environment.

There are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of different BDU patterns, so pick the one that will suit the field you mostly play in. If you dont know which field u play in mostly, I would then suggest get 1. CADPAT, 2. Matte black, or 3. something that looks intimidating.
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