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Official I hate Canada postal service thread!!!



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Old October 28th, 2009, 19:33   #166
aka coachster
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canada post tracking isn't in real time. it gets updated when it gets updated.
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Old October 28th, 2009, 20:40   #167
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
canada post tracking isn't in real time. it gets updated when it gets updated.
haha...ya. It's quite strange. I got a pkg coming to me from Edmonton, and I checked the tracking site, and it said that it was in the "postal office" in Edmonton, the next day, it arrived at my door, and the tracking still said it was in Edmonton.
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Old October 29th, 2009, 11:30   #168
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Originally Posted by landwarrior View Post
haha...ya. It's quite strange. I got a pkg coming to me from Edmonton, and I checked the tracking site, and it said that it was in the "postal office" in Edmonton, the next day, it arrived at my door, and the tracking still said it was in Edmonton.
Expected Delivery Dates are what kills me. It'll have a day, I'll have a parcel needing to be signed for and it'll come early (rare) or late meaning I can't plan to have someone there to sign for it. Not a big issue but I've learned to ignore the tracking system.
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Old October 29th, 2009, 11:38   #169
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I think one of the biggest problems is that most CP locations are in London Drugs etc, manned by whatever employee happens to be around. Makes me miss the days I had a PO Box at the central post office in Kingston.
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Old October 29th, 2009, 11:49   #170
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
I think one of the biggest problems is that most CP locations are in London Drugs etc, manned by whatever employee happens to be around. Makes me miss the days I had a PO Box at the central post office in Kingston.
You guys are lucky it's in a London Drugs. Mine is next to a methadone clinic. Interesting people standing around.
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 15:17   #171
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The tracking system for Canada Post is bullshit. I was supposed to get something schedualed for the 30th, then it changed to Nov 2nd (today), then it changed again to possibly tomorrow, (which i highly doubt). And Canada Post can do nothing about it. The item is even in my City yet i still cant get it. Their customer Service is a waste. they said "oh well.... sorry... have a nice day!" FUCK YOU! Where's my item. can i go pick it up..... "sorry its not available to the public" I'm leaving for training tomorrow so that means.... i can not get my item. yaaaaaaay.... :|

In conclusion: *cough* FUCK YOU CANADA POST *cough*

UPDATE* I JUST got my gun yesterday..... Friday (6 NOV 09)... seriously. It was in Kitchener for the entire week and i wasnt able to get it! Then for some fucked up reason it gets mailed to my mothers address! WTF. Why was it mailed there. Its not even similar to my address. So, it took 9 days for it to go from Montreal - Kitchener. Unbalievable. and, when i got the item, its was fucking broken! Fast and safe shipping my ass!

Last edited by kylem_8; November 7th, 2009 at 08:50..
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Old November 3rd, 2009, 21:09   #172
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man to hell with canada post... my item was supposed to be recieved this friday now they changed it to the 11th... the hell!!
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Old November 3rd, 2009, 21:20   #173
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Originally Posted by oniwagamaru View Post
man to hell with canada post... my item was supposed to be recieved this friday now they changed it to the 11th... the hell!!
better than saying my address doesn't exist when I can see it from satalite pictures.
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Old November 3rd, 2009, 21:36   #174
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Bought a gun, gun got shipped, made it to the post office in Scarborough, where it sat. It continued to sit there until someone at Canada Post placed a blue portal on my doorstep and an orange portal at the Scarborough branch and placed the gun on my doorstep, where it sat.

Still says it's in Scarborough though. I guess the portal system causes temporal anomalies.
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Old November 6th, 2009, 00:46   #175
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I ordered a mighty load of items from ehobby asia.... sat in customs for 7 days... THEN CP tells me the items has been at the post office for 5 days patiently awaiting my pickup.

On a lighter note I ordered a game from the states through USPS and it breezed threw customs in less than a minute. If they could only find a way to compress airsoft guns into CD disks and send them.... (not advocating smuggling obviously)
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old November 6th, 2009, 17:11   #176
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WTF? I got at least two packages (1 from AirsoftGlobal, at least one from EBairsoft... maybe more as they often ship items separately to avoid taxes) that are written "out for delivery" since this morning.

It's now 5 o'clock, no package at home, no slip left, nothing.

I called to the post office to try to get clarification, and she said she couldn't hear me while it's obviously not my phone the problem since I was talking to someone else minutes before.

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Old November 7th, 2009, 04:50   #177
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ordered a gun from section 8 sports, tracking says:

2009/11/06 08:32 VANCOUVER Item successfully delivered
08:31 VANCOUVER Item out for delivery
06:47 RICHMOND Item processed at postal facility
2009/11/05 13:21 LETHBRIDGE Item accepted at the Post Office

the fact is i have seen nothing yet, no package, no notice card, nothing!

8:31 out for delivery, 8:32 successfully delivered. as far as I know, there is no post office near us.

I paid for express shipping too
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Old November 7th, 2009, 13:49   #178
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the best part is when you pay for tracking it means nothing. tracking means it was delivered thats all your address or wrong address
eg delivered to wrong address personal experience here phone CP asked where my parcel is they said it's been deliver to you sir, ahh no it has not its been delivered to me, took 3 weeks to find out where it was

even if you ask for a delivery signatory again means nothing any person at said address can sign for it, NOT the person who it's mailed to.

eg live with 2 roommates they can sign for it or even a person who is over to watch the hockey game who answers the door can sign for it.

to the US is even worst you cant get signatory deliver to the US unless its like FEDX ect CP does not offer that option i have ask many time with the paypal scam
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Old November 7th, 2009, 13:59   #179
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Originally Posted by ken855 View Post
ordered a gun from section 8 sports, tracking says:

2009/11/06 08:32 VANCOUVER Item successfully delivered
08:31 VANCOUVER Item out for delivery
06:47 RICHMOND Item processed at postal facility
2009/11/05 13:21 LETHBRIDGE Item accepted at the Post Office

the fact is i have seen nothing yet, no package, no notice card, nothing!

8:31 out for delivery, 8:32 successfully delivered. as far as I know, there is no post office near us.

I paid for express shipping too
Go to and find the nearest postal outlet to you (it could be in a shoppers drug mart etc). Call them and ask them to search for packages addressed to you. I had a similar experience last week, and it was just the CP delivery fellow being sloppy - the package was waiting for me @ the outlet.

08:31 - Item is placed w/ delivery driver, 08:32 item delivered? This fellow totally just took the Friday off (big surprise).
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Old November 10th, 2009, 01:07   #180
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I have been waiting since September for a big order from Redwolf....that was sent "express". it went through customs quickly, then got bogged down in BC on October 1st.

Since then, it hasn't moved, and Canada Post won't deal with me. So now I'm stuck doing things the slow way. It's already been almost two months...I assume it'll be another two.

Another parcel stolen by a CP employee that saw Redwolf and went "ooOO".
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