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A Few Noobie Questions


Newbie Tank

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Old September 18th, 2009, 16:52   #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Waterloo, ON, Canada
A Few Noobie Questions

Hi all!
Sorry about my noobieness. But we all gotta start from somewhere eh?

So my background, I first picked up airsoft when I was 17, and loved it. My first airsoft was just a DPMS Panther 295fps M16 replica, really simple, out of box playable and everything.

Now, After two years, and taking a break from university, I really want to get into the games.

So I have a few noobie questions:
1. I'm waiting to get verified by someone in my area, hopefully he responds with in the next week or two. If I have to, I'm willing to travel to Toronto to get verified. (Yes, I'm over 18... But I guess I need to be verified first. Rules are the rules.)

2. I want something sturdy and "the best that money can get me that is legal in Canada." With that in mind, I want something that's fully metal, (with metal receivers as well.) I know it is illegal in Canada. But from browsing around the forum, I've found out that after getting verified, then I can browse the classified section and get a AEG with a full metal body, or get the parts.
So, I was wondering:
Should I get a generic weapon from Mech1Airsoft and then upgrade to my heart's desires, or buy one from classified? (In the end I want a really really close 1-1 replica of a real weapon). How much would this cost me approx?

3. How many years/games/weapons/etc would I need to become a 'pro'?

So any advices/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
If there are things that you can't tell me until i'm verified then that's fine


PS: I'm currently @ The University of Waterloo, if there any clubs/teams/games around here, please tell me? kinda small city :/ oh well, worst comes to the worst i will just travel to Toronto.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 16:57   #2
A minor, using dad's ID
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Most, if not all airsoft guns are 1:1. And it depends on what you want. If you want a platform to Upgrade on, sure go for a cheaper model. But if you want a rock solid rifle out of the box, go for TM or CA. In the classifieds, the guns are used, so thats another thing too consider

Also, most metal bodies can cost 200$ depending on the quality.
Originally Posted by Frozen Tex View Post
Is there a Cansoft Banhammer with a clear plastic shaft? And will it be compatible with full metal/wood Banhammers?

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Old September 18th, 2009, 17:04   #3
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Location: Waterloo, ON, Canada
I presume: (Sorry)
TM = Tokyo Marui
CA = Classic army

Are these better than ICS or G&G?

I want "a rock solid rifle" with the best of the best components. (I forgot to mention, that money is not an issue)

So there are no new guns with full metal body in the classified? If so, Should I just get a M4 from the brands that you mentioned, and then get new parts from the classified section and perform the upgrades my self?

Speaking of which, Where can I get a Tokyo Marui / Classic army Airsoft? Airsoft007 seems to only sell them to non Civilians. :/

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Old September 18th, 2009, 17:16   #4
Brian McIlmoyle
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There are lots of new full metal guns for sale in the AV buy and sell

get AV and whatever you may like or want is available.. particularly seeing that $ is no issue

Originally Posted by billli View Post
I presume: (Sorry)
TM = Tokyo Marui
CA = Classic army

Are these better than ICS or G&G?

I want "a rock solid rifle" with the best of the best components. (I forgot to mention, that money is not an issue)

So there are no new guns with full metal body in the classified? If so, Should I just get a M4 from the brands that you mentioned, and then get new parts from the classified section and perform the upgrades my self?

Speaking of which, Where can I get a Tokyo Marui / Classic army Airsoft? Airsoft007 seems to only sell them to non Civilians. :/

Brian McIlmoyle
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Old September 18th, 2009, 17:33   #5
The Saint
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Local KW primary verifier is Harbinger of Darkness, though his availability for the next few weeks is limited by work.

There are usually indoor games at a Kitchener facility during the winter. Some years it's weekly, some years it's every other week. The games start running from as early as the first sustained snow fall, to as late as January. There's no sense in picking up a gun before then, IMO.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 17:41   #6
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Yeah, I'm not in any hurry, But suppose if I do invest in a good gun, there will always be events around the KW area?
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Old September 18th, 2009, 17:48   #7
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Local KW primary verifier is Harbinger of Darkness, though his availability for the next few weeks is limited by work.

There are usually indoor games at a Kitchener facility during the winter. Some years it's weekly, some years it's every other week. The games start running from as early as the first sustained snow fall, to as late as January. There's no sense in picking up a gun before then, IMO.

Tankdude is coming to the game at flagraiders this tuesday. Hes an AV rep.

and @ OP yes, there are games at flagraiders at least every other week, year round.

plus, there are fairly regular games at finch farm, just east of guelph.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 17:48   #8
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1) Thats great.

2) No that's actually a myth that for some reason is perpetrated. It's not illegal to own "full metal" guns just illegal to import them (that includes plastic bodied guns such as TM). The clear plastic guns is just a way to get it across the border as the CBSA stipulates clear guns as being OK (for now).

3) That just comes with experience. If you come from scenario/milsim paintball then probably not much, just need to understand the rules and how things work. If you're coming from no experience/recball/ or speedball then you have a lot to learn.

Guns aren't really an indication of how good you are. You could run with one gun and be better than any chairsofter/collector with a million guns any day. That being said it's probably good to go moderate on things, you don't need the lightest loadout possible but you don't need to have 2 primary's and 6 pistols (like el Duce in Boondock Saints) with all the related accessories and mags.

My loadout is a primary (5 mags) and a backup pistol (1 mag).

Keep in mind that you'll want to decide on a model of a gun that you like first then worry about brand name. An M16 loadout is very different than an AK, SIG, Aug, P90, or G36 loadout (and might require different kinds of pouches and carriers). Once you have a model then search up reviews of that specific model between different companies and pick whichever one you like and fits into your budget.

There's tonnes of stuff in the classifieds. If you have the green the possibilities are limitless. Keep in mind though that if you're a current student not to spend all your money on airsoft cause you still need to pay for tuition and food and you don't want to be selling your gun to buy textbooks. Also keep in mind that if you have student loans having some money in your account for when you graduate helps to reduce the interest incurred on those loans.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 17:49   #9
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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As for the original question, pick up any tokyo marui gun off of the classifieds, stock TM guns can sometimes last in excess of 50 000 rounds or more before needing repairs, and they should cost about 400-500 dollars, depending on the type and condition

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Originally Posted by Kid View Post
The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 17:55   #10
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Yeah, being American and grown up with video games, I'm going to go with either a M4 or M16.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 18:46   #11
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There's some fantastic deals on the classifieds now. Wait 'till you're age verified and then sort through what's available.

Plan $500-900 for the rifle (base rifle - rifle+stuff).

CA M4CQB's spring to mind.

More PTW packages than you can shake a stick at.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 18:57   #12
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Will do

Personally I prefer a really simple M4/M16 but with a nice RIS railing.

Come and think about it, I'm a bit picky with the looks. :/
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Old September 18th, 2009, 19:14   #13
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Honestly, for best bang for the buck, I'd vote Classic Army. Not much more expensive than a TM, full metal bodies (and good ones at tha), and pretty damned good internals.

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Old September 18th, 2009, 19:19   #14
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I heard arguments that from other forums that, Buy TM and get metal casing, or get CA and keep metal casing but changing everything inside...
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Old September 18th, 2009, 20:26   #15
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Either way will work...and I've done both.

Headaches/$$/shipping/time....start with the CA as the base.
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