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Choosing battery for Aug A2.


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Old May 30th, 2013, 01:17   #1
Join Date: May 2013
Choosing battery for Aug A2.

I can't decide between 11.1v 20c or 7.4v 50c Lipo. Please help.

Stock CA AUG A2
It has M120 spring, 7mm steel bearings, polycarbonate piston with steel tooth and High Torque motor.

It also says it's 11.1V Li-Po ready on the website.

Many thanks in advance.
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Old May 30th, 2013, 04:15   #2
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Is it safe to assume this is from 007?

Any gun is "lipo ready", how long it will last on a lipo is the real question. The stock CA piston will not last long on a 11.1 battery, go for the 7.4.
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Old May 30th, 2013, 05:43   #3
Join Date: May 2013
Yes, it is from 007.

Do you think 50C is ok? or I should get 40C?
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Old May 30th, 2013, 07:02   #4
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Burnaby BC
I personally run 11.1 in my guns because the trigger response is key for me when shooting semi auto, If you plan to do a lot of spray and prey, then I recommend the 7.4 because it will lower your fire rate and reduce stresses on your internals. I've been using a stock ca piston with 11.1 for the past 4 years and never had any problems. It really depends on a number of factors including, wiring, motor and gear setup. As for "C" rating, it's more of an insurance policy to make sure your battery doesn't melt and explode. I've used 10C and 20C with 3000 mAh and only experienced heat buildup with 10c but it depends on your wiring and motor resistance.

Airsoft motors typically draw at most 40Amps of current at trigger pull, but only for a few seconds at a time, so you can get away with having a lower C value. To get the max rated discharge, just multiply your C value with your capacity in Ah. eg (10C with a 3000mAh= 30 amp max draw. 20C with a 2000mAh= 40amp)

Last edited by Windows; May 30th, 2013 at 07:12..
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Old May 30th, 2013, 19:28   #5
Join Date: May 2013
Does higher c-rating gives better trigger response and ROF?
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Old May 30th, 2013, 19:38   #6
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No. You can run a gun off a 20C or 90C battery and it'll give you VERY close to the same ROF. Difference comes from less internal resistance on the battery, not from any magic factors.

It's possible to have a CA piston last years as much as it is a G&P gearset. Fact is CA makes shitty pistons on average.

Go with the 7.4v LiPo, it's the safer option, and you don't NEED 11.1v to raise your ROF, there's more than enough torque available from the battery to push a high speed gearset.

And an airsoft gun does NOT draw 40A unless there's something seriously wrong with it.
A fully upgraded performance gun shooting 400fps at 1200rpm won't draw more than 18A at the very most. Most stock guns on average draw 4-12A. You can test with LiPos, if your gun shoots slower on a 15C than it does on a 20C, it's because there isn't enough amperage being supplied to the motor.
The startup current is what you're referring too, and it's not measurable on a linear scale, because the motor is technically closing the circuit 100% before the armature starts moving. It's over such a short period of time that it really doesn't affect the battery at all.
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