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KJW M700 *FPS Adjustment*


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Old July 1st, 2005, 05:20   #1
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Exclamation KJW M700 *FPS Adjustment*

"...recently i was experimenting with my KJ m700 and i discovered something that I was wondering if someone could verify for me. I took my bolt apart completely and removed the little allen screw that is in the rear hammer thing, and then tightend the spring in the front all the way down, then put the allen screw back. After doing so, the gun chronos 630fps consitently with .2g bb's. The gas i used was propane, but i checked it also with green gas and it was the same. It used to chrono around 500fps before doing this. I then tried the same thing but adjusted it the opposite way and was able to drastically reduce power (This could be useful for people with a low field limit). If someone else could test this and verify it, i would appriciate it. I think it would be a good piece of info for all kj m700 owners, or future owners." - Sulfuric_t2, Airsoft Retreat Forums


- Take out your bolt as the manual shows.
- Flip it over and you will see two small screws (flat head).
- Remove these and the front part of the bolt will remove (part with the nossle on it).
- Next located the small allen screw on the bottom of the hammer (in back of bolt on bottom).
- Loosen the allen or even take it all the way out (just ot be safe so no pressure on the rod).
- Next you will see a rod sticking out the front of the bolt where the piece with the nossle came off. There is a sloted head on this rod. turn it clock wise untill it stops. This is the maximum power position (for me 560fps).

- Now if you turn it counter clockwise, it will decrease the power. I found that no more than 2 full turns should be done (at this position gun shoots 280ish and if you go more, the gun will not fire anymore for lack of spring tension). When pick where you want it to be, put the allen screw back in and make sure its snug, then reassemble the bolt the way you took it apart. Put back in gun and have fun. Oh yeah, make sure that all the parts in there have some oil on them and move freely.

There you have it, this should make it possible for you to make it under whatever field limit you may have in your area. For me i tune it to shoot just a little under 400 with propane and green gas. Just make sure before you chrono at your field of choice, fire the gun maybe twice before chronoing because on the gas sniper rifles, the first shot or two may have a higher fps than the bulk of your shots. Hope this works for all you as well as it worked for me.

*Instructions by Sulfuric_t2*

posted by Sulfuric_t2@airsoft reatreat forums

*Note: this post was recreated here for reference. In the event that the original thread closes, this thread will remain active for those who wish to read this. Please consult your local airsoft gunsmith before performing any modifications if you do not know how to do them yourself.*
*This* post is for reference only, use at your own risk.

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Old July 2nd, 2005, 02:41   #2
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can anyone confirm that this works?

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Old July 2nd, 2005, 03:12   #3
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I just checked my bolt and it appears that you can adjust the preload in the hammer spring.

Looks like this gun is adjustable.
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Old July 2nd, 2005, 04:11   #4
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great =)
if you have time or if anyone else has time to do some consistancy tests to see if velocities stay within the desired FPS for field limits.
that way we can see if it is stable and we dont get shots that jump from 430 FPS to 480.

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Old July 4th, 2005, 15:03   #5
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would this work on a non PCS version Tanaka M700?
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Old July 6th, 2005, 18:01   #6
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check yourself. KJW copied the pegesus system that tanaka developed so maybe it is similar.

you will have to check.

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Old July 7th, 2005, 13:43   #7
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checked, allen screw not present... damnit
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Old December 3rd, 2005, 22:32   #8
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hey, i just checked, there is a Allen screw, but is so small (about 2mm in diameter) so it just looks like a circle, but i stuck a Allen key in and it is a Allen screw, i turned it clock wise till it couldn't go any more, but since i don't have a chronograph im not sure if their is a FPS change, and i don't seem to see a difference form other shots i made, if their was a increase it wasn't dramatic enough that i could see.
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Old December 3rd, 2005, 23:54   #9
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Does this work for a ak-47 lol pleas say, yes pleas say yes
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Old December 3rd, 2005, 23:58   #10
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Wrong kind of gun buddy. Just keep on reading.
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Old December 4th, 2005, 00:20   #11
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Originally Posted by [Avtomat]
hey, i just checked, there is a Allen screw, but is so small (about 2mm in diameter) so it just looks like a circle, but i stuck a Allen key in and it is a Allen screw, i turned it clock wise till it couldn't go any more, but since i don't have a chronograph im not sure if their is a FPS change, and i don't seem to see a difference form other shots i made, if their was a increase it wasn't dramatic enough that i could see.
The allen screw isn't what makes the adjustment it's the rod inside the bolt that can be reached from the front of the bolt (once the nozzle's removed) that adjusts the velocity if I'm not mistaken.
I haven't had a chance to tweak mine yet but that's what I've gathered from Noxxx's post. should be a flat head screw driver to adjust it from the sounds of it.
Give it another try cause from what I hear the adjustments can be pretty noticable once made.
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Old December 4th, 2005, 00:46   #12
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well if it sint that, there's also a flat head screw on the front og the strike spring, i tried turning it but nothing happens, im pretty sure its that little Allen screw, but i dont think it doest anything. but it does move when i turn it.

oh, how do you take the rear sight off? im having trouble removing the flat head screw under the sight, tips?
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Old December 4th, 2005, 01:24   #13
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the little allen screw in the back prevents the big ass flat head spring guide from unscrewing if i remember correctly. if you don't losen that allen screw in the back when you turn that spring guide you can screw things up.

and while i'm posting i find a 15fps variation while using a G&G striker spring, also most of my adjustment happens in 3/4 a turn from full to not enough power to shoot the bb to my chrony
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Old December 4th, 2005, 02:15   #14
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so what do you actually turn? i took the whole unit apart, and spent abour 45 min trying to put it back together, i though i had a dead gun on my hand but i fixed it, it was really hard, but know i know how to take the whole unit part.

so after i take out the 2 screws, i then take out the black Allen screw, then what?
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Old December 4th, 2005, 09:45   #15
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The you turn the striker guide rod with a slotted screw driver. I think mine might be screwed up, I barely get a 1/4 turn out of it. Supposedly you can turn it a couple times in one direction or the other.

Anyways, what you are doing is adjusting the pre-loading of the striker spring, which determines the force and travel distance the striker hits the release valve to psuh the BB. More gas, higher frps. Less gas allowed out, the lower the fps.
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