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Being underage and ownership of airsoft


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Old October 27th, 2009, 23:32   #1
Join Date: Oct 2009
Being underage and ownership of airsoft

So I am under age and i will be for 2 more years but from what I've read it is legal for someone in my family who is 18+ to buy me a gun is this correct and if so can I play games or am I stuck with targets in my back yard?
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Old October 27th, 2009, 23:34   #2
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Target shoots in the basement would be a better idea, neighbors these days aren't too friendly .

2 years is worth it, I've waited my time.
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Old October 27th, 2009, 23:37   #3
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legal depends on where you live. and the use of any firearm, airgun and many other weapons and toys is illegal within the city limits so the basement is best.

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Old October 27th, 2009, 23:38   #4
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Here we go..

No not legal for you to buy... yes your mom and dad can buy for you but TECHNICALLY you should wait.

shooting targets in the back yard


do it and a neighbour sees and you could face an armed swat team. treat ANY airsoft gun as a REAL gun. you can't shoot a gun in the city limits and all towns have rules too

so in the back yard is NO defenately NO.... Seriously NO

that is ILLEGAL period and could get you SHOT.... Police may tell you to drop it and if you don't act fast enough may add an extra hole in you...

no one here shoots in their yard... (unless their yard is out of the city limits and out of view of any person --- basically an airsoft field)

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Old October 27th, 2009, 23:43   #5
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No guns for kids, dont like it? too bad

we don't condone underaged airsoft

we don't want to play with kids either, you will likely not be able to attend any games until you are of age

*(before someone chimes in i know some fields allow 16+ with parent blah blah blah)

so supposing your parents do buy you a gun, what then? you likely don't have anywhere to play "legally" with it, so what do you do? take it to school and show off? play in the woods near your house? on you buddy's dad's golf buddy's veteranarian's land that's secluded and outside the city?

the answer is no, don't ask where to buy a gun, which gun to get, what gun is the best, what upgrades are good for your gun, if you can order from the states, the answer is NO!

Also, it is not about maturity, it is about legal responsibility.


Last edited by pusangani; October 27th, 2009 at 23:45..
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Old October 28th, 2009, 00:35   #6
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Pus, I don't think you should be so fast to jump on him like that. It's not like he's asking "wat gun iz b3st" or "screw you guys I don't care what you guys think". Yeah I admit the shit on the news and the latest "noob trolls" are irritating but at least he was up front about being underage and not trying to skirt the AV rules.

OP: Yeah 2 years isn't that long.

As for games..... It's really the field owners discretion, maybe, maybe not. Usually it's 18+ (or you're somehow related (eg. son, daughter, niece, nephew) to a player in good standing at a local club/team) however there have been instances of players 16+ being allowed to play.

Backyard shooting.... Not really a good idea unless you want to be staring down the barrel of some real steel. There are laws which prohibit you from shooting airguns (paintball, pellet, BB, airsoft, etc.) in most cities. So if you live out in the sticks it's not really as big of a deal. If you're going to do it please, please only do it where nosey neighbours and other passers by can't see you (eg. basement or garage).
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Old October 28th, 2009, 00:40   #7
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
but at least he was up front about being underage and not trying to skirt the AV rules.
Originally Posted by dsshhm View Post
So I am under age and i will be for 2 more years but from what I've read it is legal for someone in my family who is 18+ to buy me a gun is this correct and if so can I play games or am I stuck with targets in my back yard?

f that s, let them know up front what we stand for 'round here

Last edited by pusangani; October 28th, 2009 at 00:42..
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Old October 28th, 2009, 02:31   #8
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
f that s, let them know up front what we stand for 'round here

Coming down on new users in such a harsh way puts them in a defensive stance where they are less inclined to listen to any useful of helpful information we have to offer.

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Old October 28th, 2009, 07:51   #9
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
f that s, let them know up front what we stand for 'round here
I don't stand for you being a disgrace on ASC.
Stop acting like that.

Last edited by Jimski; October 28th, 2009 at 07:53..
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Old October 28th, 2009, 08:19   #10
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
f that s, let them know up front what we stand for 'round here
Just to clarify for everyone, if parents want to go to CT or Walmart or some retailer and buy clearsoft for their kids, that's their and CT/Walmart/whomever's problem; ASC's position is that if a parent who is AN ACTIVE PLAYER wants to lend his kid a gun or bring his kid to a game (thereby taking full responsibility) he can do that, but an adult with no personal interest in airsoft setting up an AV account for the sole sole purpose of buying for a minor or so that the minor can access classifieds WILL be considered circumventing the AV system and result in a permanent ban of the AV account.

It's already happened to at least two people in the past months.

The community's stance is that ASC does NOT police the community: ASC's rules apply within the confines of ASC alone and serve to control access to the classifieds and retailer areas. How other sites/retailers/stores cover their ass (or fail to) is up to them.

Just because a minimum wage clerk at a store sells you a gun does not automatically mean it's legal for you to own or use anywhere/anyway you want: as someone else pointed out, it can get your gun confiscated, you and/or your parent(s) arrested, and possibly get you shot. Don't take my word for it, dig around the forum there are several recent threads about news articles where people with clear guns or even a gun-shaped tequila (?) bottle got arrested for displaying it in public.

Just because you have a gun also does not mean you will be allowed at any games: final decisions rest entirely on game organizers and field owners.

If you're a minor and you want play, your best bet is to get one of your parents to play with you (then you'll have a ride to games, too, and not have to tent or flake for lack of ride -- there's another thread about THAT, too).
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