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Old September 23rd, 2009, 03:38   #1
Con Murder
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Side arm

For the first while I wanted a Mk1 ruger nbb pistol to fill out my european pmc look. But now am wondering if an aep could be the answere. I play aggressive and rarely forsee me drawing my side arm whatever it may be but I am thinking that cqb games in the future winter season would have me gaming a bit different.

Whats your take?

Aep or traditional pistol side arm?
Con Murder
Dark Rhino
L.A. Airsoft

Last edited by Con Murder; September 23rd, 2009 at 05:34..
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 03:53   #2
Red Wine & Adderall
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AEPs may not suffer from the same issues that GBB pistols do due temperature variation in the winter. However due to the small size of the battery used in AEPs Id like to hazard a guess and say that you will suffer from quicker battery drain in the winter season. Also due to the fact that an AEP mechbox is so small it may suffer and strain in the cold as well.

There are pros and cons to both, Ive run both in the cold and both functioned well enough when I needed them. Just keep your pistol mags really close to your body, and a spare AEP battery along with them.

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Old September 23rd, 2009, 05:11   #3
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A Ruger MK1 NBB would likely be over CQB limits, so that would be a bad choice for your purposes, just FYI.

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Old September 23rd, 2009, 05:34   #4
Con Murder
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
A Ruger MK1 NBB would likely be over CQB limits, so that would be a bad choice for your purposes, just FYI.
Good eye, as I did not check the fps on that. So whats your take on aep operations? Could they be put into an outdoor field situation?
Con Murder
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 07:23   #5
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Haven't had any experience with AEP's.

You say you're mainly looking for a backup/sidearm for the winter season? How about a small AEG like an MP5K? A lot more reliable in cold weather than an AEP (small battery issues like T7 mentioned) or GBB (obvious gas pressure issues).

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Old September 23rd, 2009, 07:33   #6
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Well if winter gaming is a must but you still want a quality sidearm...

AEG - MP5K, has a ver.3 mechbox so pretty sturdy shouldn't break stock even in cold weather, and you can just get a rocking stick battery from An elite cell bad boy should give plenty of power, and in winter more is better... lol

For a GBB, I would say something with a LARGE gas capacity, so the cool down is not as dramatic, say a TM highcapa 5.1, has massive gas capacity but the king would still be the TM Mk.23 Socom NBB. Not a GBB but gas capacity would be more than enough and would keep trucking long after most GBB would stop. Also both are accurate and pretty damn reliable. The socom is deadly quiet too.

Damn now I miss my socom... lol
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 14:01   #7
Con Murder
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Well the truth is alot of guys rock the mp5 and I could buy a tm mp5k, but like I said cqb for winter season would be the first place I put significant rounds through it. Really I have to say the limiting factor on the mp5k is that I need it to holster properly as I plan to game with it as a side arm for regular season.

If for some reason an aep would flunk my expectations (Scorpion or mp7) for side arm use would you please point me to a eastern europe pistol of worth.
Con Murder
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