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Information on KWA Beretta 93R ver II


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Old January 28th, 2012, 12:13   #1
Join Date: Dec 2011
Information on KWA Beretta 93R ver II

Hey everyone, I'm just waiting on my AV to get slapped on with the next batch update, and was wondering if anyone has any experience with this gas pistol.

I've heard generally good things, but most of them from out of the box reviews, and nothing speaking of their longer-term viability.

I'm planning on making it my first purchase when my AV goes through (And of course some extra mags), and I'll probably end up doing a review of it after I've had it awhile. if it's solid enough, I'll be running them as dual backups. (Because what's more awesome than dual fully auto pistols?)

Any information is appreciated.
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Old January 28th, 2012, 13:13   #2
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Seems like your AV has gone through already!

As for the Raffica, its a solid gun with crisp blowback and sound. Shoots a little hot for indoor, but is a great secondary for outdoors. However there are a few things that I have personally noticed. My roommate owns one.

Clean and lubricate the gun often. From what I've seen it requires more maintenance/cleaning than other gas pistols. One of the most common issues with it is the nozzle breaking after some time if not oiled properly. It essentially gets stuck and then splits in half when the gun is fired.
Also, the fire selector/sear may get finicky after some time. Burst might fire in semi or semi might fire full auto. Someone else would be able to confirm and explain this better.

One other thing, its sometimes difficult to find spare parts for the gun. Unlike other pistols, you can only get parts for it from KWA or KSC. Aftermarket parts (especially for the M93r) are almost non-existent. Some retailers here can get them from their suppliers if stock is available, but we had to wait almost 6 months for KWA to get a new shipment of nozzles in stock.

If you're only looking for a full-auto pistol, I'd suggest the TM Hicapa Xtreme or even a TM/KSC Glock 18c. Lots of aftermarket reinforced parts are available for them if you ever need them. Full auto pistols will always require maintenance and repairs. Its a tradeoff for the full auto capability.

However if you're specifically interested in the M93r, then by all means go for it. Some people swear by KWA while others have had bad experiences. As long as you take care of it, you should be fine.
H&K G36c (KWA) / Glock 18c (TM) / Kimber LAPD SWAT Custom (TM) / Mossberg M500 (ACM)

Last edited by ap27; January 28th, 2012 at 13:15..
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Old January 28th, 2012, 13:29   #3
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yeah i'm no expert on the gun or anything i recently just got one and i have to say i have a few KWA guns and i have to say there unreal i haven't had a problem with them,

and for the M93R i love it, it shoots so nice and crisp the burst and full are amazing semi is just perfect, there is a few things i have wrong with mine but i got mine in a trade, i have a clamp off the front grip broke so i need to call up KWA and get one of those but other then that,

but like ap27 said lube the gun a lot and take care of it, it has a lot of little moving parts a lot more then any other pistol so its almost like there is more parts that move and that have to be kept lubricated,

and for getting after market parts it sucks trying to get, but you can get them its just a little harder then most guns, but it's definitely a gun worth getting if you like the M9 series of guns, and M9 mags work for the M93R and vise versa
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Old January 28th, 2012, 14:09   #4
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Actually, there are no aftermarket parts for the NS2 version of the M93R (M93R II), or at least none that I could find anyway. The limited parts are for the first generation KWA/KSC M93R.
Replacement stock parts are available from KWA/KSC and some other suppliers usually.
H&K G36c (KWA) / Glock 18c (TM) / Kimber LAPD SWAT Custom (TM) / Mossberg M500 (ACM)

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Old January 28th, 2012, 18:32   #5
Join Date: Dec 2011
Thanks for the helpful posts guys, I'll definately keep maintainance in mind with this one. I'm a big fan of the M92S/f, but the M93R is like the holy grail of pistols for me, so I think I'm going to be sticking with it. Perhaps I'll order a couple nozzles spare just incase depending on price.
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