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WA M8045 Round Chambering Issue


Doctor's Corner

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Old March 26th, 2006, 20:36   #1
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: London, Ontario
Question WA M8045 Round Chambering Issue

I bought a WA M8045 Cougar GBB some time ago (almost a year now). When I got it, it didn't cycle properly but I didn't have time to really look at it as things were crazy. Well, now that it's starting to get nicer out again, I'm getting the itch. So, I pulled it out today and took a look to figure out what was going wrong.

Here's the problem, without a BB in the mag, or the mag in the gun, I can pull the slide back and allow it to return to it's firing position without a problem and smoothly. With a BB in the mag, however, it gets held up while pushing the round from the mag into the barrell. It's well lubed, and I"m just not sure what else I can do or what may be causing this. There was a small emoung of wear/tear inside the slide, but I smoothened it out and lubed everything up. If I give the gun a little flick forward as I hit the slide release, it loads the round without a problem. So, it only needs a bit more momentum to finish.

Is the problem most likely the return spring? Is there anything I can try before just buying a new spring, if that's what it is? Any other ideas?

Thanks everyone and take care.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 22:12   #2
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: London, Ontario
One more update to this... I looked back at my records and found out that, before shipping, the seller had replaced the o-rings to due an issue he was having. Apparently it test fired fine. But I've never been able to shoot it right. Could the chambering/slide cycle issue be because of a damaged or improperly installed o-ring?

I also manually fed bbs into the chamber after filling the mag with gas to see test the actual firing portion of the cycle etc. The gas ran out after between 5 and 7 shots. Could this be a sign of a damaged o-ring as well?

Thanks again everyone.
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Old September 14th, 2011, 00:22   #3
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: toronto
Send a message via MSN to bao_pay
anyone know how to fix this issue? this is the exact problem with my gun!

anybody know how to fix this? in fact, does anyone have a mag that i can try on my gun?

my mag is missing the rubber piece at the top of the mag.

help please!!!!!
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