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Old August 1st, 2015, 00:03   #1
Join Date: Apr 2015
Ultimate Scout Rifle

Bear with me on this, what airsoft 1911 has the vest range potential? Do I buy a Marui and a metal slide? In that case, how do I up the fps and up it how much? Or do I buy a hot shooting co2 1911 and upgrade the hop?
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Old August 1st, 2015, 00:21   #2
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Uh. You titled this something about a scout rifle and you're asking about a pistol.

To answer your question. Just stick with a plastic Marui 1911. It'll serve you well as is without having to fiddle with upgrades just to get it to properly run that metal slide.

If you're shooting outdoors mainly, C02 pistols should be fine provided it fires within your fields FPS limit.
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Old August 1st, 2015, 03:23   #3
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So the long term plan is using the Matrix MEU pistol carbine mod to transform a pistol into a lightweight, low profile (therefore easy to carry on back) semi auto rifle to use in conjunctiom with either an assault rifle or smg to ensure I have mobility or ROF without sacrificing long range. So I need to upgrade the pistol to push those bbs through the much extended barrel I aim (heh get it?) to install.
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Old August 1st, 2015, 09:06   #4
a.k.a. Greedy
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Did you ever consider an MP7 or MP9, a better option if you're just going to run the 1911 in a carbine kit, much better mag capacity and cheaper.

Last edited by Kozzie; August 1st, 2015 at 09:09..
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Old August 1st, 2015, 10:10   #5
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Those goofy pistol conversion kits are just an all around bad idea: they're just a shell that goes over the pistol and besides making the pistol bulkier and heavier, they don't really bring anything of value to the table. Sure, some will say it makes the pistol more stable, but if you want a carbine or SMG get a damn carbine or SMG. This is like starting with a scooter to try and build a pickup.

I also don't get why you'd want a "light, low profile semi auto rifle" to use in conjunction with an assault rifle; that's extremely redundant. Just get one good carbine or SMG (based on your needs) and run that.

You want mobility? Carrying a bunch of guns isn't the way to go.

You want ROF? The Semi conversion pistol kit isn't the way to go.

You want range? You probably want a carbine.

So just get a good carbine and put your money into improving that.
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Old August 1st, 2015, 10:38   #6
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^ This.
Add to that the fact that all of these guns are fairly equal to each other in terms of 'range' and 'accuracy', and schlepping multiple platforms becomes very dumb, very quickly.
Better to run one system, know it well, maybe run a sidearm if you really want one, and find a buddy to run the longarm or LMG.
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Old August 1st, 2015, 12:05   #7
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I only recall asking for facts fellas, not condescending opinions. Just need to k know which brands of 1911s have the best hop up and how to boost the fps. Cracks me up though that the first replies I get are from rude nay sayers. I can't understand why people are so quick to diss on others who are curious and want to experiment.
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Old August 1st, 2015, 12:07   #8
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Aaahhh I wanna delete that reply. Sorry for being sensitive. I just woke up. I know it sounds like an out there idea which is why I started the post with "bear with me".
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Old August 1st, 2015, 13:25   #9
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No one here is trying to be rude, just straight forward, that's all.
anyway, the only reasons to get a pistol converted carbine, in my opinion, is just for the heck of it. That platform doesn't really excell in any aspect. You loose the mobility of a pistol, and are left with th limited gas capacity of 1911 mags. A well tuned AEG will be just as light, and have better performance, same with a gas smg if that's your thing.

also, keep in mind that these carbine kits are usually very poorly made.

If you wanna go that route regardless, I would go with a TM 1911 with extended mags.

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Old August 1st, 2015, 16:17   #10
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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You wanna build a carbine pistol? For outdoors? Then you have options. For indoors all your gonna do is build a good indoor gun then make it bigger with no to the gains. Here is what I am doing.
I have a glock, it's an 18c (not important, I have AEG's that shoot 30+ rps and I don't ever use full auto)
I have a stock, it's made by TacArms Irael. It fits into the opening that a lanyard plug would go in normally. This its super light, and super compact, the stock is the length of the gun, when collapsed it easily can be fit into a pouch or something when not in use.

Now on the business end, where it really matters to this build, is going to be an SAS type strike face, basically your standard potatoe masher but with some -14 mm threads on the front for a silencer and lower rail for a vert grip. Couple that with a ~230mm inner and yer pushing 400fps, some hop up mods and some .30's or .36's and a nice red dot now we are in business. We will have a light weight easy to maneuver pistol carbine. With similar shooting ability to a decently tuned gbbr. Grab some 50 round mags and have at er. Is it practical? Perhaps depending on application but you could do just as well with an m4 in CQB length or some other small aeg or an smg gbbr of some kind. My build will be pretty unique and I think that shoved in a was pack will be a good tertiary when deployed in milsims incase shtf then you would have a Decent weapon in a compact space easy to deploy.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper

Last edited by Hectic; August 1st, 2015 at 16:24..
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Old August 1st, 2015, 16:47   #11
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This might be my first rodeo but I know no pistol carbine ain't ever gonna be no scout rifle.
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Old August 1st, 2015, 20:38   #12
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Best 1911, is arguably a TM. Upgrade the inside before the outside. Longer barrels don't usually change distance. That gun will be accurate to 50-100 feet, period. Making the external of the gun bigger is, as mentioned above, redundant, or counterintuitive at any rate. What you gain in stability will be minimal, what you gain in weight and function loss will be high. If your goal is to have a 1911 or pistol in a carbine kit then fill your boots, but if you're looking for an effective airsoft gun on the field then leaving it as a pistol and utilizing it as a close quarters/backup secondary will be better and buying a proper rifle will be VASTLY superior, even stupidly so. Airsoft technology and the applied physics just are what they are. Certain platforms will always dominate others and they don't follow the advantages/disadvantages of their real steel counterparts. For instance an airsoft sniper rifle won't outshoot an airsoft carbine necessarily for accuracy and distance. A pistol will never make a good long range weapon, because they just don't, with maybe the TM MK23 being the exception. You'd still be better of with a proper AEG or whatever anyways.

So in retrospect, no one here is going to recommend you going down the road that you're going, hence the responses. If you had asked, "hey, what's the best 1911? I want to make it into a carbine kit", then someone would've recommended brands. But really what your question sounded like, coupled with your title asked, "Hey, I want to create something useless and stupid for the field and want to know how to impossibly make it do something it won't?". Ask for a 1911 carbine because that's what you want, that's what you'll get, ask for a Ferrari by getting a skateboard and starting out by smashing the wheels off of it and that's what you'll get.

Best, competitive, useful, functional, enjoyable, effective, etc, equals NOT AN AIRSOFT 1911 WITH A CARBINE KIT.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old August 1st, 2015, 21:01   #13
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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The major issue is once you do mod it to use enough gas volume to even use a longer barrel, you'll get maybe 4 or 6 shots out of the TINY 1911 mags. Not that you need a longer barrel anyway, but itll make it easier to up the fps provided you have enough gas volume. Second issue is you'll want to flat hop or r hop the pistol in order to get the range and accuracy required on .30 to .36 BBs, and the hop chambers generally wont have a good arm to use a flat hop.
Theres really no reason at all to ever use a pistol to engage at 200-300ft regardless of what options are on it.
This is overall just a bad idea.
You're better off just making your primary shoot 300ft accurately. The time it takes to switch between a primary and long range rifle often gets you killed anyway, thats why people with bolt actions usually have one handed draw secondaries like small SMGs or pistols.

You are truly better off just upgrading your primary. At 1.48 to 1.6j you'll be able to get in the 240-300ft range depending on what ammo you use.
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Old August 1st, 2015, 22:12   #14
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Actually the small, small, so small reservoir on a 1911 magazine is a very good point. I should've mentioned that.
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Old August 1st, 2015, 22:18   #15
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I recently saw a guy mod a TM MK23 NBB into a CA M24 body. It looked fantastic.

Another option is THE pistol carbine. The KJW Mk1 Carbine. Takes standard KJW mags and there are a few nice upgrades. Great little guns, but shoot about 400FPS on C02 so keep that in mind.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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