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what to do when.


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Old December 19th, 2011, 14:40   #1
Mr. inked
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what to do when.

so i have always been wondering since i started playing this sport. say your on your way to or from a game gear and guns in the back guns in a case and say you get pulled over by a cop for what ever reason speeding broken light etc. and he asks do you have any weapons in the car. would YOU say yes i have airsoft guns in the back. or say no i have nothing and i only mean if you have your gun(s) in the car not vests and stuff.
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Old December 19th, 2011, 14:49   #2
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In this kind of situation i'd definitely be honest with the cop, Explain what you have and why you have them. That you're going straight to a designated field to enjoy a hobby/sport.

There's nothing wrong or illegal about it if you have everything stored up properly.

Besides, what do you think the cop would say if you declared nothing, and he asks you to pop the trunk? Not a very good impression I'd think.
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Old December 19th, 2011, 14:50   #3
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I have been pulld over with my gear before and you must disclose you have your weapons in the car. They were very interested in the guns and gear and wanted to look at and play with them (which i asked them to not pull them out). you must remeber these things look like real guns and your average person cannot tell the difference, the police are no different. And just think if you do not disclose you have them and hes walking back to his car and sees a gun case in the back his first thought isint going to be oh its empty or oh its fake, its hmm whats he hiding in the gun case he didnt tell me about.

I have been stopped and approached by police while there weapons were drawn and trained towards me, was stressful and not very much fun. Why take a chance, just be honest and open with them.
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Old December 19th, 2011, 14:50   #4
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Be clear/concise. Never lie.

If you think that you are breaking the law in someway...don't do it. If you know you are not...then you'll know what/how to explain things.
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Old December 19th, 2011, 14:52   #5
Mr. inked
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alright thanks for the responses guys and i always have them in some kinda of case....even a guitar case lol
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Old December 19th, 2011, 14:53   #6
Mr. inked
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Be clear/concise. Never lie.

If you think that you are breaking the law in someway...don't do it. If you know you are not...then you'll know what/how to explain things.
well i was just unsure because i don't know if all cops ask you if you have any sort of weapon in the car. like is it a mandatory question? ive never been pulled over just been through a few ride programs
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Old December 19th, 2011, 15:00   #7
Sgt. Sparkles
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No. I don't think you have to say anything about what u have. And air rifle is not a weapon. They are pretty clear on what u can or can't have. Weapons is a big no no. Since a bat could be a weapon. A hammer could be a weapon. If u admit you got "weapons" means u are carrying prohibit devices. And unless they have a search warrant. Don't let them look inside your car. Nor do u have to tell them what's in the trunk. If they ensist a search. Walk out of the car and lock the car then call a lawyer.

This has been frequently brought up on gun forum. Even real guns are not weapon. If you admit your firearms or air gun ( or your tactical spork) are weapons. They might hold you in for trouble.
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Old December 19th, 2011, 15:04   #8
Mr. inked
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Originally Posted by RUSTSPOT View Post
No. I don't think you have to say anything about what u have. And air rifle is not a weapon. They are pretty clear on what u can or can't have. Weapons is a big no no. Since a bat could be a weapon. A hammer could be a weapon. If u admit you got "weapons" means u are carrying prohibit devices. And unless they have a search warrant. Don't let them look inside your car. Nor do u have to tell them what's in the trunk. If they ensist a search. Walk out of the car and lock the car then call a lawyer.

This has been frequently brought up on gun forum. Even real guns are not weapon. If you admit your firearms or air gun ( or your tactical spork) are weapons. They might hold you in for trouble.
as far as i know i wouldnt even have to call a lawyer. just say i do not consent to a search they should then be sent on their way after that unless they send in for a warrent. this is again as far as i know/ have heard.
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Old December 19th, 2011, 15:09   #9
Sgt. Sparkles
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Of cause. But I mean in the worse case sensorial, they insist on looking into your car even after you try and talk sense to them that they cant.

I don't mean lie to them but you have the right not to disclose what you have in the trunk ..... Not even dead hookers. Lol
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Old December 19th, 2011, 15:25   #10
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In most provinces cops have a right to randomly select and pull anyone and proceed to inspection. If they have the slightest hint that something's wrong, they'll proceed and be in their right to do a search (not talking about stripping down the car as it sometimes happens at the borders but visual inspection).

It can be just to check that the driver/passengers are all ok, that no prohibited items are in the car or that the car is mechanically safe for it to be on the road.

Source: RCMP trooper friend - Then again, what he told me was not the equivalent of a law book, so one would have to take this statement with a grain of salt. That being said, it does show that they might have more rights and means that some of you seems to think
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

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Old December 19th, 2011, 15:51   #11
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by RUSTSPOT View Post
No. I don't think you have to say anything about what u have. And air rifle is not a weapon. They are pretty clear on what u can or can't have. Weapons is a big no no. Since a bat could be a weapon. A hammer could be a weapon. If u admit you got "weapons" means u are carrying prohibit devices. And unless they have a search warrant. Don't let them look inside your car. Nor do u have to tell them what's in the trunk. If they ensist a search. Walk out of the car and lock the car then call a lawyer.

This has been frequently brought up on gun forum. Even real guns are not weapon. If you admit your firearms or air gun ( or your tactical spork) are weapons. They might hold you in for trouble.

it is a simple inquiry .. and warrants a simple response.

Anyone who holds to the belief that a firearm is not a weapon from the perception of police is fooling themselves.

Obfuscating with lawful questions of police will do nothing but provide probable cause for a legal search while you sit on the curb handcuffed.

The Correct answer is I have no firearms in the vehicle.

When the officer asks whats in the case?

Again a direct answer. An airsoft gun.

When the inevitable "Can I see it?" gets asked .. The answer is again Direct.

Of course.

And you will find yourself on your way in minutes, after having educated a police officer about airsoft guns.. No call to a lawyer is required..or necessary

Of course you can tell them to "stuff it" and to get a warrant.. and you can wait on the roadside for 3 hours while they do that.. it is your right.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; December 19th, 2011 at 15:53..
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Old December 19th, 2011, 15:56   #12
Mr. inked
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post

it is a simple inquiry .. and warrants a simple response.

Anyone who holds to the belief that a firearm is not a weapon from the perception of police is fooling themselves.

Obfuscating with lawful questions of police will do nothing but provide probable cause for a legal search while you sit on the curb handcuffed.

The Correct answer is I have no firearms in the vehicle.

When the officer asks whats in the case?

Again a direct answer. An airsoft gun.

When the inevitable "Can I see it?" gets asked .. The answer is again Direct.

Of course.

And you will find yourself on your way in minutes, after having educated a police officer about airsoft guns.. No call to a lawyer is required..or necessary

Of course you can tell them to "stuff it" and to get a warrant.. and you can wait on the roadside for 3 hours while they do that.. it is your right.
alright thanks brian good adivce as always!
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Old December 19th, 2011, 15:59   #13
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Don't speed maybe? Don't have smashed up lights etc. on your car maybe? If you have to speed then you might want to get a radar detector. If your vehicle has safety issues then fix them on general principal especially if you plan to go a few klicks over the posted number.

Have the guns cased and secured like they were real firearms (as they are termed as unregulated firearms).

Don't be sitting in the driver's seat with a plate carrier stacked with mags etc on and your buddies all dressed the same. I go games with my gear packed and I may wear my pants/boots on but I"ll have plain t-shirt or jacket on vs. looking like you're rolling a convoy in bandit country.

If you are stopped don't run off at the mouth, either disrespectfully or in the vein of TMI.

In other words do not be the low hanging fruit or the first rabbit over the hill. There are lots of other people out there that draw attention to themselves. Let those folks draw the attention. If you do get stopped let the Cop know you're not worth writing up. One car a couple Km over but otherwise unremarkable rolls right by vs. busting a possible terror cell/hold up ring & displaying a "weapons cache" on the six o'clock news that will fill the local quota for a month.
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Old December 19th, 2011, 16:03   #14
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Speaking from experience here, be truthfull to the cops ie. eons ago my team got pull over from our way to the wasaga beach field (the first one by the water tower) there was a Top M60 E3 that was not in the case (too long) and fake dummy rounds attached to it, anyways when asked as to where our destinations we replied wasaga beach paintball, he then questioned us whether we have any fire arms in the car, our reply was No but there are realistic looking air rifles, needless to say we were asked to keep our hands on top of our heads and in plain sight. His partner and others proceed to check the entire car and asked two of us to empty the car of all rifle cases, with hand on their pistol we remove everything and proceed to inform the police of what airsoft is.
To keep it nice and short we were detained until a sergeant determined that we are not carrying real firearms and released us with a warning for the speeding and the open M60E3 (we ask larry to provide us with garbage bag on the way home) the point is as long as it's in a locked case out of sight and reach you are GTG and for fuck sakes don't lie about it.

FYI two years later I was involve in a roll over going to wasaga on hwy 89 with my buddy Gump while in the ambulance both of us pleaded to teh medic to bring the cop to us so that we can tell him about the 12 soft rifle cases in my trunk, that way when they flip my car over they wont be surprised.

Last edited by wildcard; December 19th, 2011 at 16:05..
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Old December 19th, 2011, 16:19   #15
Sgt. Sparkles
Join Date: Nov 2008
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post

it is a simple inquiry .. and warrants a simple response.

Anyone who holds to the belief that a firearm is not a weapon from the perception of police is fooling themselves.

Obfuscating with lawful questions of police will do nothing but provide probable cause for a legal search while you sit on the curb handcuffed.

The Correct answer is I have no firearms in the vehicle.

When the officer asks whats in the case?

Again a direct answer. An airsoft gun.

When the inevitable "Can I see it?" gets asked .. The answer is again Direct.

Of course.

And you will find yourself on your way in minutes, after having educated a police officer about airsoft guns.. No call to a lawyer is required..or necessary

Of course you can tell them to "stuff it" and to get a warrant.. and you can wait on the roadside for 3 hours while they do that.. it is your right.
i disagess

i would never tell cops what i have in the trunk even when guns are presents , unbagged , on my way to the range even when guns can clearly be seen in the back of my station wagon. i have been stopped that way for speeding. the thing is im not doing anything wrong (besides speeding ofcuz) for processing the guns. i dont have to provide them with info of what i have in the car. if they ask if you have weapons in the car, i would say no. non of the objects in the car are weapons tho ALL of them COULD be use as a weapon. if they ask nicely, i would say im taking my guns to the shooting range. thats that.

i dont need to give up my rights and let the cops think they have higher power . at the end of the day if they cuff me and search my car. they cant seize any of my stuff because everything is legally own and transported. having a baseball bat as a " weapon" is worse than having legally owned fire arm and air rifles which arnt weapons unless i use them as such .

but then thats only if the cops want to be hard asses. they do usually send you on your way after they take a good look at you.

Last edited by RUSTSPOT; December 19th, 2011 at 16:23..
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