Originally Posted by Brakoo
Greenside ops and direct action don't go together. People have to understand that the fact of wearing a green or woodland BDU doesn't make it greenside. What makes your loadout a greenside one will be the fact of being geared toward SR (special reconnaissance) which will usually be a lighter rig with some sort of backpack to last out there for a few days.
If you're going DA (direct action) then you'll be geared heavily with a plate carrier and some sort of soft armor underneath it. The color of your camo won't matter at all and this is what will be considered blackside ops.
Sorry but this has been bugging me for a while. By plate carrier I'm assuming you mean something like a CIRAS right? And a PACA underneath? This has been bothering me for so long. If I can find it, I was sure I saw a guy with a Maritime CIRAS without pouches and he had a harness type rig OVER that. Confused the hell out of me.