Originally Posted by Ace of Spades
Hey Yuxi, how do you find the Surefire helmet mounted flashlight? I was thinking of getting one, but it seems that it only puts out under 100 luminen and for 129$USD, I dont know if its worth it.
Also IBH + Bowman or swimmer headset = possible in RL or not?
The light itself is awesome...when it works.
From what H-G has told me, many are defective, mine is defective, but my team mates is not. Apparently sometimes sets for entire military units are not working properly, so I would say if they have not improved the design or production, be weary of purchasing.
Also, I have also heard about how warranties for lights like these do not apply if you are in Canada, as they are restricted items due to their night vision aspects, hence without the proper papers the item might just never return to you if you send it in for repairs from Canada. Just what I have heard, nothing confirmed, so take with a grain of salt.
As for IBH and Bowman headset, I can not say for sure, but afaik the SEAL used headset is the Swimmer not the Bowman PRR. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Swimmer headset.