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Old January 28th, 2007, 16:05   #3
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Barrie
I had the same problem with my KWC Uzi. Its pretty easy to fix and it happens every once and a while;

You need to remove the inner parts from inside the mag. If you look down the inside of the mag (where the C02 goes) you will see what im talking about. You need a long and wide flat head screw driver (I use my carving knife for roasts and stuff because its long enough and wide enough to catch those 2 prongs (you'll see what I meen when you look down the mag. Once you have this taken out you need to completly disassemble it and reseat all the o-rings and buy new ones if there cracked (Canadian tire sells all the same sizes that you'll need)

Let me know how it goes
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