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Old February 12th, 2006, 19:27   #3
Scotty aka harleyb
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The ICS I worked on had nylon bushings... if yours has them too, obviously they need to be replaced. Be wary however, and read up on replacing ICS bushings... there are issues with the holes in the mechbox being too small and what-not.

I've heard from multiple reliable sources that the clear Guarder hop sleeve is shit; go with the black. Oh, and the "bucking" is just the little tiny piece of rubber that goes above the sleeve.

It's advisable that if you're replacing multiple parts, you go with parts from the same company. I'd suggest a Systema spring guide and piston if the rest of your parts are Systema. The possible exception to this rule is Guarder... in some scenarios, single Guarder parts are fine for stock replacements, but if you try to use Guarder parts for everything you run into trouble. Just a heads up.
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