Originally Posted by ValaskaAirsoft
... stop recommending G&G, they are shit.
Originally Posted by Desmodus
I would definitely pick up a Maple Armouries Marauder or save up a bit more and buy a VFC when they go on sale.
If you can afford it these options are definitely the better long term investment.
Originally Posted by john3302
Unless you are wiling to spend $400 or more , the CM-16 is they way to go. If you have more than $400 to spend, the Krytac Trident 2 or VFC Avalon are the best choices.
If you google and research the G and G raider CM-16, they are the best beginner gun on the market hands down.
G&G has come a long way in terms of quality in the last several years and a CM-16 is a perfectly acceptable beginner gun. I think it's a fine strategy:
1. get into the sport cheap
2. play for a season or two
3. use that experience to make a more informed decision on how to spend your hard earned money on higher quality gear
Other brands certainly offer higher quality and are better upgrade platforms, but if you can't justify spending more than $200 on a gun (or maybe you're not sure if you're going to stick with the sport etc) just get a CM-16.
Don't feel peer pressured into buying something more expensive just to impress the online strangers harboring brand-resentment, they were probably molested by a G&G sales rep.
Stick to whatever your budget is and have fun.