Originally Posted by Styrak
IIRC I remember reading about those and they still leaked. The only thing they fixed is the rear seal where the sear releases the firing pin since it can leak from there.
The spring is definitely stronger in SAT valves but the inherent problem is that the o-ring doesn't sit flush with the cylinder once they start to shrink. The marui and sat o-rings are all 70 or 90 durometer but because of the way the valve is designed it doesn't come into silicone oil from the gas and is prone to shrinkage.
Here is the JAG Shotgun (marui clone) design.
They actually made it into 2 pieces so that the o-ring sits on the firing pin like a pistol piston. It gets secured by a screw but the cap that the o-ring sits on actually allows extra room for the gas to fill the cylinder and keep the o-ring lubricated. It is the same 70 durometer o-ring used in the marui original but the way they've engineered it to work with green gas is good enough to prevent leaking. The JAG valve also had a MUCH stronger spring that further helps prevent leaking.
@stryak unless JAG releases their parts on the market I'm afraid the $2 hydraulic seal diy fix is the next best way to fix the problem. I've heard of people replacing the valve o-ring and after 500 shots it starts leaking again. I haven't had the same problem with the quad ring fix but I haven't reached that many shots yet.
Btw SAT is junk imo. Every review and every contact I have had with their product had failed.
SAT loading arms split in two: