Thread: Valken Guns
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Old March 8th, 2017, 10:57   #4
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Originally Posted by devbro View Post
my opinion about cheap guns has not changes:
They are perfect for new players or those on tight budgets. They are also very good as loaner guns to give your friends during games. That being said, only your first gun should be that and not your future guns.
The problem isn't people being too elitist and shitting on Valken because they're an "entry gun." People shit on Valken guns for the following reasons:
-Poor quality externals
-Notoriously garbage hopup (Needs modification to actually work properly)
-Poor quality gearbox shell+gearset
-Poor quality motor

Yes, it's an "entry gun," but that doesn't excuse how bad the guns are. You don't hear the same complaints about a G&G Combat Machine, because *surprise* it's a better gun, and what I recommend as a cheap starter. The quality of the plastic receiver is better, and the internal quality is better.
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