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Old December 24th, 2016, 10:28   #8
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Edmonton Alberta
I know a couple guys 6'5" that have played for years and love the hobby/sport.

One of them is athletic and in good health/shape

The other is 40+, overweight, bad knees, etc and still enjoys playing.

The thing about airsoft, is that it isn't just about the game, but also the comradery/friendships you can build with other players and their families.

Their is a role for everyone in this hobby/sport, that suits everyones playing style(s) or ability.

I also notice that when playing once a week, during the warmer months, I get in amazing shape. Walking, running, squatting, crawling, carrying gear, high temperature days, are all work outs, but you do not realize that you are doing them as you are focused on just having fun/mission.

Never let yourself miss out on something you might enjoy just because of self doubt. This is a sport that welcomes everyone, small, large or in-between.

Strap up and you will see.

Have a wonderful Christmas Mr. Too Tall, and a Happy New Year.


Last edited by Jughead; December 24th, 2016 at 10:31..
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