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Old December 24th, 2016, 01:53   #1
Preacher x
Join Date: Dec 2016
Airsoft for bigger guys?

Okay so I was wondering, what would be the cons of playing airsoft for a bigger guy? I'm 6'3 300 lbs but I'm very athletic so I'm not an absolute slob, infact I carry my weight well and I have a great frame and I'd say I'm pretty lean but I'm also overweight. I play football (offensive line obviously.), baseball, hockey, lacrosse etc. I've played basically every sport.

Lately I've been interested in airsoft but I've had some self doubt as a bigger guy tbh. I've never seen too many big men play airsoft or paintball at all before lmao I mostly see smaller skinnier guys play and a few older ones. I've already got a callsign picked out that no one has in my province has and a loadout. Nothing too fancy. I'd like to play sniper or just an AR and focus on holding a specific area of the map, not so much run and gun but obviously I will do run and gun eventually.

I think playing airsoft will help me with cardio and such and just help me keep in shape while having fun.

Thoughts? Any other bigger men out there playing have tips? Thanks in advance.
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