The Cymas are without a doubt good value for a penny pincher. With a standard clean/ shim/ lube/ teflon for compression they'll run pretty damn good even on stock parts... if you have realistic expectations.
There's a huge amount of variation between model numbers though, so be careful. Generally avoid folding stock models, and don't even look at a blowback model.
For a while the wire stocks on the sub-soviet models were fucking awesome, but the 74Us were hit and miss.
The EBB functions on anything are just a nightmare with few exceptions.
Some TM-based models I worked on years ago at least passed a 'magnet test', others were pure crap. Generally well-made crap, but crap. Rigid, pretty good tolerances all told, but "don't you dare drop it" kind of crap.
I have no idea what's out there these days, but an early model wood stock or tube stock Cyma AK is probably a pretty damn decent platform for skirmishing.
Edit: Get somebody to rebuild the gearbox and at least replace the hopup rubber ASAP. Sometimes you'll get super lucky with a decent gun out of the box (like my old M14), but regardless those gears will surprisingly chug along for years if they're lubed and aligned properly. That godawful green gunk they squirt in there is very seldom touching any moving parts.
Last edited by Cliffradical; December 3rd, 2016 at 00:50..