Originally Posted by Datawraith
NPAS is better in my opinion; some people have trouble with the Cradles.
How much you open depends on the FPS you want, and you'll have to adjust according to your rifle. Mine will be different cause I'm running an aluminum bolt and aluminum piston. Just make sure to blue loctite it before installing (so it doesn't readjust itself).
There are some videos (if you're in the FB group, you should be able to find them in the FAQ; otherwise search youtube for TopHatRunner because I used his videos when I installed mine). The NPAS entirely replaces the black plastic bit inside the nozzle (dunno what it's called).
I replaced the plastic valve with the NPAS and had it barely open (3mm?). It was shooting at 390-400!
I think I might have installed it wrong? When I remove the mag, should you be able to see the NPAS via the opening? That, or I really need to loctite the NPAS