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Old January 16th, 2016, 15:30   #7
Magwell's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Edmonton, AB
Picked up one of the MAG brand 100 round style box/pouch magazines.

Modeled after the Real Steel 100 round bags, they are advertised to hold 2500 (100 rounds more than the A&K large style boxes).

My first impression is how ridiculously overpriced they are. After disassembling the box magazine, this impression was only solidified. With that said though, they make the 249 much easier to hold in the low ready and maneuver. While the Mk46 will never be an M4 (not that it ever should be), the smaller magazine does make it much more 'M4 like' when it comes to shooting stances. The main difference being weight. A&K is releasing a 1500 round version (CA version is 1200 rounds, MAG is 2500) but the price I saw was 40 USD, compared to 100+ for the MAG brand.

After unzipping the pouch the box mag is held together via pressure + clips and pulling the top from the bottom will separate the two. The lower is made up of two halves which separate by prying/pulling them apart as metal pins and friction keep the two halves together.

The design is remarkably simple, and if applied to a full size m249 magazine would allow a person to carry upwards of 5000 rounds. It's simply a high cap rotated to lay flat and an opening cut in the side to allow bbs to drop into the cog wheel.

So again after lubricating everything, which had more lube than the A&K box, but not nearly enough, I desoldered all the wiring and remove it then soldered on some 16AWG milspec silver wire. This was then run up to the top of the box, and then to the connection under my feed tray cover.

Then I cut some high density foam down and shoved it into the hole where the 9V battery would go, to prevent bbs from falling in here as the magazine was filled up.

It fed just fine off a 9.6v and will probably work just fine with the gun although I haven't done a full test yet. The size does make a big difference though as it's total volume is about 1/3 of the 200rd style boxes

Edit: The motor on this box is about half the size of the ones from the large '200' round style box mags. While the large box has no trouble keeping up with 22 rps, this little guy maxed out somewhere between 14 and 20. Even if I ran it independently of the gun to build up spring tension the gun still dry fired about one out of every three rounds. Based on the design I'm not sure if it can be modified easily to hold a larger motor, we'll see.

So far though I'm pretty disappointed. These have some pretty big hype on the forums I've read through but they lack in quality of workmanship, performance, and are about two to three times the price of a CA or A&K 200 round style box. The only advantage these little mags have is their reduced size. The CA 1200 round box mags are likely different but also over priced. I'll be picking up one of the 1500 round A&K box mags when they come out and see what those are like, and probably just re-attaching the original wiring to this MAG box mag and selling it.

Last edited by Magwell; April 22nd, 2018 at 14:49..
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