Get a KJW M4 NPAS. Works just fine and is cheap.
As for the stock AEG stocks should fit fine. If it doesn't work there is an adapter you can get. However I would rather go out and purchase a real 10/22 stock and modify it to fit the KC02.
The RA-Tech stuff if fine in the KC02. However not great. Honestly I would purchase the VSR hop up chamber upgrade from Shapeways. Just google "KC02 VSR SHapeways" and it should come up. The chamber is like 50$ landed in Canada, then you can you VSR10 compatible barrels/buckings which opens a whole new world up.
If you plan on going HPA one day, do yourself a favor and get the Rocket valve at the same time (another 50$). You can also purchase a barrel clip pack that allows the usage of standard KC02 barrels in the VSR chamber. All from the same guy.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
Last edited by naminator; June 11th, 2015 at 13:40..