Hello everyone. I am having some problems with my brand new Scar l rifle. I am new to airsoft and am at a loss of what to do. I have written an email (which I will copy here) to the online store I bought the rifle from but was wondering if anyone on here might be able to help me.
To whom it may concern,
I recently purchased an Airsoft rifle from your online store as per the receipt above. I was excited to make this purchase but since receiving the rifle, my enthusiasm has been decreasing steadily.
As soon as I took the rifle out of the box it was shipped in, I noticed that the front sight was missing the pin which held it in position as per this picture (
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-j...420_205843.jpg). This was not a deal breaker for me as I never really intended to use the front sight but it was still a little annoying being that it was brand new.
The second problem I noticed right away was when I tried to load my magazine for the first time. This is the quick loader that was sent with my purchase straight out of the box (
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-L...418_112727.jpg which looks to be a loader for a g36 rifle). The book that came with my rifle shows a quick loader that is at a 45 degree to the mag. I end up having to hand load every BB...
Now for the major problem I am having with the rifle. I hand loaded all the BB's into the mag. The first mag was ok, but I kind of noticed that the rate of fire was not quite as consistent as I was expecting (This is what I was expecting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6fwg9ZVzNw). I would immediately hand load another mag and then fire right away using the same mag, the rifle would start to lag considerably after only firing about half the mag. I would then fill the same mag once more with just green gas and fire the rifle again. After only 4 or 5 shots (which had excessive green gas condensate from the muzzle as well as the ejection port) the rifle would end up expelling the rest of the gas in the mag in one large gush. I have linked two videos of me firing the rifle.
Both those videos exhibit what the rifle does at its best after only firing one mag previously.
I have taken a week to reach out to you because I have friends who have been into airsoft for some time and wanted to see if we could resolve the issues with the rifle without having to return it. I thought after my initial test try on my own that maybe the magazine was defective or I was using a bad can of green gas (
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-c...418_114849.jpg). At the time of purchase from your store, I had also placed another order elsewhere for two more magazines, another green gas mag as well as a CO2 magazine. All magazines are the WE Tech magazines for the Scar L. I get the exact same results using my green gas, CO2, or a friends can of Green gas.
Our only guess was that the o-ring for the nozzle in the bolt carry might have been defective and was leaking gas. I made sure the nozzle was moving freely and was lubed accordingly which did not solve the problem. I also made sure to lube the entire gun before I put any rounds through it.
After firing only three mags through the rifle, the top of the mag and the bolt carry are covered in frost from the quick release of the gas from the magazine.
I am a little concerned after reading your return/warranty policies. After buying the rifle and then ordering internal upgrades that I am waiting on, I am worried that I have a $900 paper weight. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am using King Arms Green Gas, all WE Tech Scar L magazines (at least they are all the same as the one the rifle was shipped with so i hope they are the right ones), and Elite Force 0.25g Premium BB's
Thanks for your time,