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Old March 14th, 2015, 21:45   #6
aaronvince's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Toronto. ON. Scarborough
@ darrenfreake PS. your gun has been sitting in private room DELTA. (ARES tan in original box) The honest players here have been bringing it to my attention. PM me your personal details, so you can swing by siege and be reunited with your beloved.

@daishi - There has only been one AAR thread regarding a game held here at Siege Airsoft , at its entirety thus far no mention of anything stolen.

PS. for future reference, if you misplace your belongings in the game play, or staging area, we at Siege Airsoft would really appreciate it if you could approach us first, or check your prep area more thoroughly , so we can avoid ASC threads about theft, which inevitably generate distrust within the honor based community of airsoft.

Aaron V.
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