Hello everyone,
Last month I took the plunge and decided to get into airsoft this year. I didn't go balls to the wall crazy on my first guns, but I think I did ok for a NOOB. here is the kit I got going so far.

Primary is a G&G GC4 G26 30th anniversary, secondary is a WE f226(I kinda shit the bed on this one- shoulda got a TM), I also got some digital camo, with a condor chest rig, tactical belt, and leg holster. Also a helmet, goggles, and face mask. So far I have got one midcap (G&G), and threw some cheap goodies on the rifle to get me started. All I need now is some boots, gloves, a few more midcaps (it seems that f226 mags are a rare thing), and one or two more batteries, and I'm good to go. I cant wait to get out to a few games and meet some of you.