Originally Posted by 666
How old were you when those events were taking place  ? I've done the same for a couple of years while working construction out of town. Every morning you tell yourself: "Today I'm going to sleep as soon as we get back to the motel!" Riiiiight... When I was in my 20's, I could do it 7-14 days in a row, still can do it in my 30's once in a blue moon but age does play big difference. Also, keep in mind that everybody has difference tolerance when it comes to abusing your body.
I was 22 I think? We always said "Lets get wasted and troll for poon!" But this was a second rate campground, in a third rate location. Seriously the closest "store" was 45 minutes away and it sold gas for $1.50. We had no TV, limited internet, no electricity most nights, no cell reception and nothing to do. Everybody showed up on the weekends when we went home.
We would get hammered ass drunk, eat canned stew and just glaze over before going to sleep. You would step outside and get eaten alive by mosquitoes. Seriously at one point the banded together and carried of a golden retriever. So we ended up in the cabin most nights, it would get dark and boring and we would drink and sleep lol.