Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
You might. CO2 mags sometimes have smaller orifices to maintain a similar fps compared to green gas mags.
Most mags are actually completely different.
I took some KAR98 mags apparts, unfortunately they built the CO2 mags the same way as their propane mags. This results in blown o-rings even when used with CO2 cartridges...
Most mags have a nylon/teflon seal and a thin grid/filter to block liquid CO2 from passing. Basically the molecules stay in the mag until the valve is opened enough to let it through. The high pressure of the CO2 keeps the seal, VS. the spring pressure from a GG/propane mag against a o-ring.
Your HPA tank should already have a 750-800psi regulator built-in. That is the standard pressure paintball guns run at. It should be safe to use in your converted mag. The only thing I can see as a problem is the hardware you used to convert the mag, and the method you used. The problem is that the CO2 cartridges are made out of cheap aluminum, usually thin walled. Not much grip for a threaded adapter if you don't reinforce it...