I still think that investing in an airsoft field that can only barely handle 15 on 15 engagements is a huge oversight when it comes to airsoft.
Look at UA...on weekends you have like 40-50 people crammed in, and its horrible. You have new people coming in and other people giving up and leaving due to the over crowding. I never understood why on the busiest most jam packed day...they charge double admission prices. 45 dollars to be stuffed in like sardines, what a steal.
A field needs to open (maybe not 60k sq feet) that has a decent size...and not such a HUGE focus on all cqb. What a lot of people crave are SECOND STORIES, longer engagement areas, and hell maybe some over head path ways and stairwells to have some bottlenecks in areas that you have to fight around. Hell even third stories. And not all on one side of your double gym floor. I swear.... why don't the owners ask some bloody counter strike map makers to model their fields and TEST THEM in game rather then build shit and find out later how stuff wont work.
Shit buy some land, build de_dust/2 and be good to go.