Maybe try some Fog Tech anti fog wipes or their anti fog solution.
I use Smith Boogies, low profile, ok ventilation, no fan and had some serious condensation issues (not really fogging, more like a literal layer of moisture...) at Panther w/ the humidity in the denser forested area, heck I started fogging up in dunes after a a minute or two a few weeks back... when we were having that 30+ degree weather.
Tried Catcrap anti fog and it worked ok, reduced fogging by a bit but not too great. I tried using a Fog Tech wipe at yesterday's game during lunch when someone offered me one and I didn't have any fogging issues during the rest of the game after wiping down my goggles with it, definitely a first for me at Panther, always had some fogging when I played there. Might be worth picking some up to use in concert w/ fans, thermal lenses, etc.
Trigger has the 30ml bottle solution for a pretty decent price, cheaper than anything I could find on Amazon. Might pick up a bottle to try out.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.